Something is off

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Since our arrival at the central, things has been going fine Marcus takes good care of me and I feel so loved, but lately have been feeling uneasy and I think he has started to notice.

"Bella, are you ok, you been off lately, do you miss your children or mom" Marcus asked, rubbing my legs which I placed on his laps.

"Am ok, just feeling anxious but I was told by the pack doctor that its totally normal considering all I have been through so don't worry yourself, just keep on with the foot rub" I said to reassure him.

"Why don't we go for a run" with that we changed into our wolf outside and we ran.

After the run we went in to have a bath, while I was coming down from the stairs leading to the sitting room, I heard the doorbell

"that's strange" I thought

I was not expecting anyone, in fact no one was supposed to know where we are.

"Marcus, are you expecting someone"


With that I moved to the door with caution, ready to strike in case of necessity the bell rang again. Due to close proximity I was able to pick up a scent, though familiar its distant with my hands on the door knob I opened the door, the person I found was someone I don't expect to see, no not at all seeing this person rose questions within me, their presence means a lot of things, suddenly I felt so scared, I was frozen at my spot.

"Baby who is at the door what's taking......ohhhh"

Marcus voice, woke me from my frozen state and I openned the door wider for them to enter, I led them to the couch, as if sensing my emotions, they expressed their fears by moving a bit slow, Marcus came to my side, to offer comfort we are all seated now, but silence resided in our midst.

"My name is Adam, an omega under the service of the elders, head warrior we have met a couple of times but alas, my presence here is not pleasant, what am about to say, is something I have sworn to the elders not to say, but my wolf, will not allow me to do such evil, Am sorry, Am sorry. So so so so sorry but b...ut but Rage was n..ot was not burned." Adam stammered.

pls vote and comment, they mean a lot to me ❤

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