Chapter 10: The Piano in Film and Television

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The piano - it's not just for concerts and recitals. It's also made a splash in the world of film and television, adding drama, emotion, and just a touch of flair to the screen.

From the iconic scenes in "Big" and "Casablanca" to the sweeping scores of films such as "The Pianist" and "Moonlight," the piano has played a vital role in enhancing the storytelling of film and television. It can set the mood, convey a character's emotions, and even provide a bit of comic relief (just try not to laugh at Tom Hanks's goofy facial expressions in "Big").

But the piano isn't just a background player in film and television - it can also be a star in its own right. Think of the iconic theme music from shows such as "The Twilight Zone" or "Mad Men," or the memorable piano solos in films such as "The Fabulous Baker Boys" and "Amadeus." The piano can bring its own unique character and personality to a film or TV show, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

So the next time you watch a film or TV show with a piano score, take a moment to appreciate the role of the instrument in enhancing the storytelling. The piano may be a timeless classic, but it's always up for a good on-screen adventure.

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