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This story is about Samira. The 19 years old Samira lives in the horizon of Marrakesh. She lives in a big house in the middle of the city. Well, a house? I would rather call it a palace. The beautiful Moroccan architect on the walls and the Moroccan benches what they call الصادرية. Every day she goes to school, with her friends and when she comes home from school, she immediately starts with the household, like a real housewife. In Morocco it is shameful if a woman does nothing in the household. or as we call it 'Hshoema.'

'If you do not learn how to be a housewife, how are you going to take care of your husband later? If you cannot, you will never find a man! or do you not want that? don't you want to get married?' Tells Auntie Khadija her always. 'A man doesn't want a woman who can't cook, wash, clean...' She goes on and on and does not stop. Samira does not care about what her Auntie Khadija says. She does not want to marry at all. All she wants is to travel the world and see what outside there. Is it like freedom? Do girls there wear short skirts and go to the beach? Don't they wear the Hijab like her? Just like in the movies. Or is that all a fantasy? Samira wants to know.

Samira is not the only child that gets bother of the saying of Auntie Khadija. She also has one brother and four sisters. Two older sisters and two younger ones. Her Brother's name is Yassin. He is 28 years old, but his face does not look like it aged a year. He is so beautiful that al the zina's in the playa wants to marry him. Unlucky for them, he already has a wife. Dounia is her name. Together they have two children. The eldest child is called Akram and the youngest Yasmine. Two wonderful kids. They do not live in Morocco anymore. They live in America now. Samira is jealous of them, but she is also immensely proud of her brother. 'One day, I will be In America to. Or no, London, or German. No even better, Hollanda.' Samira always tells her brother. He always just smiles and say: 'In Sha Allah.' (If God wills: God willing)

Her other four sister is so different from her. They love cleaning and cooking and later they want to marry a man. A man who is willing to put their wives in the house and keep her there so she can never see the daylight. Or the midnight. Or any night. Its like a horror story. That is why Samira is not close of them.

Samira is different. She is the black sheep. But that does not seem to bother her. Even more, she likes it. Sometimes, when everybody is sleeping, she goes out in the night to go to her favorite place. It is not a night club or a boy or something. She goes to a mountain and climbs on top so she can see the magnificent view of the city. And when she lays down, she can see the stars and the moon. And everything she hears is the wind that replaces the silence. The paradise she knows. Nobody knows about the place. If she tells anyone, its not her place anymore. So, she keeps it a secret...

To be continued...

In the following chapters, the story is told in the I-perspective. the I-perspective in this story is Samira.

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