Chapter 1

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It is Monday. What means, first day of school. School is something I love to go to, cause then Im not home. This year, its my first day on my new school. What means, nobody I could talk to. I am really an introvert, so it's going to be hard for me to make new friends. But what my father always says: 'It will be all right.' so with that motto I got out of bed.

'Okey, I brushed my teeth, got a quick douche. I eat, I drank...' I said to myself. 'Girl, calm down. You are going to school not to Mohammed VI.' I heard my older sister Malika saying. I sighed and sat down in the seat next to her. 'Fortunately, we both go to different schools otherwise, it was very difficult to keep it up with you.' She joked. I laughed at her because I know she is right. 'Okey, I dont have time for you. I must take the bus.' I replied. I packed my shoes and my school bag and left home.

Once I arrived at the bus stop, I waited for the bus. I was not alone. There was also a boy, the same age as me, waiting for the bus. I looked at him. Quite a beautiful boy. I didn't look too long, because otherwise that was really Hshoema. Although I didn't look too long, he could tell I was studying. 'Are you also on Moussa Ben Noussair?' he asked. That's exactly the school I'm at from this year. I couldn't answer because I was busy putting his voice in my mind, so I won't forget it later. After a while I answered. 'Yes, from this year then. Am new.' I replied. "Ah, newbie. Do not get nervous. This school is the nicest school in Marrakech Wollah.' he said while smiling. Oh god what a beautiful smile. I thanked him and smiled back. Furthermore, I did not pay any attention to him, because Baba does not allow me to talk to other boys. But I preferred to sit there for hours talking to him about God knows what. Fortunately, the bus arrived and I immediately walked in to sit at the very back by the window. He sits five seats in front of me. What would his name be? Marwan? Elias? Youssef? We will never know. Good too, because I have to focus well on school this year. With these thoughts, I shut off my mind and looked out the window for the rest of the ride.

Arrived at my new school. I walked in and looked for the reception desk. 'Can I help you girl? ' Asked the sweet woman behind the counter. 'Yes please. I am Samira El Mansouri. I am new here,' I said, 'Oh Samira, how nice to meet you. My name is Gizlane. To me you can always come with problems. I will go and check for you which class you are in.' She looked at the papers in front of her and looked up my name in the list. 'Ah, I found you! You are in class B4. Just go to the 2nd floor and you'll find a door open on your right. You can go in there.' She spoke. I thanked her and walked to the 2nd floor. 'This is going to be a very long day' I thought to myself.

'And that's all the information you need to know today. You can go now.' Said Mr. Hafid. I grabbed my bag and left the classroom. Finally. It took years! I looked at my phone and saw that it was only 2 PM. 'What! so early? On my schedule it said 5 PM.' I walked downstairs and saw that boy from the bus stop in the auditorium. All alone. On his phone. He does not see me. Should I take my chance? Should I go to him? Should I talk to him? What should I say? Imagine he does not even like me at all? I immediately changed my mind and decided not to greet and go straight home. At the point I wanted to leave, I heard him calling me. "Hey girl from the bus!" he called out. I turned around and pretended not to see him at first. I walk towards him. 'I was waiting for you the whole time. At least, I wasn't sure if you were still at school, but luckily you were.' he said as he stood up. 'You were waiting for me?" I asked. I did not believe my ears. Was he waiting for me now? HE was waiting for ME. This incredibly beautiful boy with the most wonderful style, was waiting for ME!? 'Yes, I thought maybe you would like to walk back home with me. I mean by bus it's faster, but if you walk you'll encounter lots of beautiful places along the way. And I wanted to show you.' Said he. 'Walking? The two of us? Together?" I asked. 'Uhm yes! Seems like fun,' I recovered. He smiled.

'So, you're telling me you can touch your nose with your tongue? never!' I laughed. 'You don't believe me?" he laughed back. Safouane stuck out his tongue and touched the tip of his nose. I looked at him with wide eyes. 'Teach me!" I shouted enthusiastically. 'Can't. It is a talent. Either you can do it, or you can't!" he explained. I still tried. but I only looked crazy. And he laughed at me. 'Don't be mean! I have a talent too,' I lied. I do not have a talent. At least not one I liked. 'Well then what is it?" he asked. He knew I was lying. 'I can uhm.... I can clean well' I burst out laughing. So did he for that matter. 'Ahh Cinderella!" he joked. 'Cinderella from the village of Marrakech!' I also shot out laughing this time. I looked at my phone again. It is already 4 PM! Did I laugh with him for 2 hours. 'Oh it got pretty late don't you think?" I asked him. ' Uhm, yes it is time to go home. But you have seen some beautiful places, haven't you?" he asked. 'Yes, I did. thank you! But really need to go home now. See you next time?" said I and walked the other way. 'Wait! can I have your number?" he asked still from afar. 'No sorry!" I yelled back. If Baba finds out I was talking to him for two hours, I would never get to see the daylight again! And he asked me for my number. That would make him angrier. Don't get me wrong! I would like to have his number, but I can't. I still remember his voice. Now I can dream about it. And his face. His beautiful brown hair and nice mustache/goatee combination. And his Lacoste suit omg.

I enter the house and soon I smelled the delicious smell of the spring rolls. I put my bag down in my room and quickly put on my pajamas so I can help my mother in the kitchen. After dinner I did Wudu and performed my prayer. At the end of my prayer I did another Dua for Safouane to be mine. how can a boy make me fall in love so quickly? I dove into my bed and sink deep into my thought of me and Safouane.

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