Chapter 2

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'Samira there is someone at the front door!' Screams Lina, my other sister. It is literally 9 AM and i wake up, because SoMeOnE is at the door. 'I am not home!' i yelled back. 'Samira don't do that, he is waiting!' HE? Who is he? I instantly woke up and look at the mirror in my bedroom. I look terrible. If Safouane sees me this way, he would never talk to me again. I quickly grabbed a comb and combed my hair. I quickly rub my hands over my face and ran downstairs.

'What are y-' I wanted to finish my sentence, but it is not Safouan. 'Azizi!' I shouted. My uncle from France is here in Marocco. I haven't seen him in a long time. 'How is it Benti?' He asked. 'AlHamdoulilah and you Azizi?' 'Bien, bien!' I walked into the living room where I saw the rest of the family. My niece and her 2 brothers. And the mother ofcourse. I greeted Anisa and her mother with 4 kisses and Amin and Imran with a hand. then I quickly ran back upstairs to put on my make-up, because it didn't look good. I grabbed a beautyfull Jalaba and put in on. It was black but with gold diamonds.

Back to the living room, I poured everyone a cup of Na3na thee. We talked and loved and it was fun. The family is gonna sleep here for a while. Amin is constantly staring at me. I have a crush on him since we were ten. And he is more beautiful now. He has a goatee now and it looks wow. It doesn't bother me him staring at me, cause he always stares at everyone. Some times I just randomly look at him and he already looked at me. 'Samira, doesn't you have school?' asked my mother. 'Yes, i know, I have to go in ten minutes.' I replied.

'I can bring you.' I looked at my left and sees that Imran says that. 'No it is okay. I can take the bus.' 'No i take you.' Oh. I shut my mouth and say nothing. I thought I'm going to see Safouane at the bus station. Not anymore.

I get into the car and Imran starts driving. 'How is it going?' He asked. He is acting weird. I play along. 'Yeah, good! and you?' 'Hmm.. yeah good, just.. it's.. it's nothing.' 'No, what?' I am curious now. 'No, it's nothing. You're gonna see later.' He said. Huhh? What? I don't ask anything now, he's gonna get mad and gonna shout.

We arrived at school. 'Don't talk to any boys.' eye roll. Sometimes I hate my nephews. I step out the car and arrived in class. Nobody is here yet. I sit down and I grab my books. I heard the door open and more children come in. Now everybody is in class. The lesson starts, but I don't really focus and just look at the clock above the door. Suddenly I see someone at the door. It's Safouane. He signals for me to come out. 'Sir, can I go to the bathroom.' Why am I doing this..

'Hey.' I said. 'Hey are you good?' He asked me. His hair is so good. I can't focus. 'What do you want to say?' I asked. I know, he looks good and stuff, but I don't want to be with him. He is probably going to break my heart at the end of the day anyway. 'what?'
'Whaaat doooo youuuu waaant toooo saaaay? I said. He looks confused. 'I just wanted to see you?' Now I feel bad. 'But if you don't feel the same I can leave.' He wanted to leave, but I grabbed his arm. He stopped. We didn't say anything. We just looked at eachother. 'Sorry, its just a strange day for me. I didn't want to yell at you.' I apologised. 'It's okay. I just wanted to ask you if you want to do anything after school?'
'Like what?' I asked with a smile.
'We can go to the game room. Or the bios.'
'What about dinner at a restaurant?'
'Sounds perfect to me!' Safouane gave me a paper and winked at me. 'Call me if your done.'

'Hey I'm done. Where are you?' I'm calling with Safouane. 'Yeah I had to get something from home. I'm coming right now.'
'Okey I wait in the cafeteria.'
We hang up and I walked to the cafeteria. I sit down at the bench and a boy was staring at me. So I waved. He waved back. Oh now hes getting up. 'Hey!' He says and comes sit across from me. 'Hey'
'Are you new here?'
'Yupp.' I don't want to talk to him. Don't get me wrong he's beautiful, but he doesn't impress me. 'What's your name?' He asked. 'Samira.'
'I'm Yunus. Nice to meet you.' At that moment Safouane comes in tge cafeteria. I stood up and I walked to him. 'Nice to meet you to.' I said before leaving. 'Hé, where you going?!' Safouane noticed him. 'Who the fuck is that?' He asked. 'I don't know. Some guy. He just talked to me.'
'Oh.' Thats all he said. We walked outside and when he wanted to say something...
'Imran.' Imran came to pick me up. 'What are you doing who's this guy?' Imran asked. He wanted to fight. 'Whos that Samira?' Safouane asked. 'Safouane I have to go.' I started walking and I didn't look back. Omg what have I just done. 'WHO IS THAT GUY!' Imran asked again. Hes angry now. 'Just a guy from school! Nothing special!' Safouane heard that. He laughed and he walked to his car and left.

'I said don't talk to guys. What don't you understand?!' Imran is angry. 'He just asked what the homework was omg can you just shut up for a second. Your not my husband!'
'Not yet.'
'What?' I asked.
'Not yet. Our fathers are setting an arregant marraige.' He didn't even looked at me. He's focused on the road. 'We - Are - Never - Getting - MARRIED!'

We arrived at home and I went straight to my room. I cried my eyes out. I am never going back downstairs. The rest of the day I was in my room and nobody came to see me. I think that Imran told them. But whatever they think, I am not getting married with Imran. Never.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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