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The next day Jesse was at her house down in the basement/studio prepping up for her music video she was shooting for her new song called 'EZPZ' she fixed up the drum set putting some of the cymbals on the set. Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs which Jesse didn't bother to turn around as she still worked on what she was doing.

"Hey babe what's all this?" Ryan asks as he stands at the last step. Jesse turns around as she runs her hair back with her fingers.

"I'm shooting my music video today remember I told you yesterday?" Jesse asks.

"Oh yeah right my bad" Ryan says making Jesse roll her eyes and went back to what she was doing.

"Hey I got you this" Ryan says pulling something out of a bag and handing her a mango monster. Jesse turns and looks at him with a small smile.

"Thanks" Jesse says taking it from him popping it open and taking a sip of the drink. Jesse looked down and noticed there was more things in the bag that Ryan was holding.

"What else did you get?" Jesse asks. Ryan crumbles up the rest of the bag in his hand.

"Oh eh it's really nothing" Ryan replies. Jesse looks at him with a concerned look as he backs away going up the stairs.

"Ryan what the hell is it?" Jesse says as she follows him. He didn't answer as he started to run up the stairs.

"RYAN GET BACK HERE!" Jesse says as she runs after him. Ryan ran up the living room. Jesse sped up behind him and tackled him down on the couch.

"Ryan come on tell me what is it?!" Jesse asks. "I'll never tell!" Ryan says trying to move the bag away so Jesse wouldn't get a hold of it. But it wasn't possible since Jesse had him pinned as she already grabbed it.

She opened it and taking out a box. A box of condoms. She looks over at Ryan seeing a look of embarrassment on his face which couldn't help but make her laugh.

"Condoms? I mean ok I'm cool with that since it's almost gonna be that time soon" Jesse says chuckling. Ryan grabbed them snatching them out of her hand.

"Shut up" Ryan says embarrassed. Jesse chuckles and leans over him. "You don't have to be embarrassed babes I was just fucking with you" Jesse says patting his knee.

The doorbell then rings making Jesse turn. "That might be the band come on put these away before they get suspicious" Jesse says getting up and going to answer the door. Ryan sighs getting up putting the condoms away in one of Jesse's drawers and going back downstairs.

Jesse opens the door greeting her bandmates/friends Shae and Gerardo and then Sean who was recording for her music video and of course the rest of amhband.

Jesse opens the door greeting her bandmates/friends Shae and Gerardo and then Sean who was recording for her music video and of course the rest of amhband

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Sean (incase anyone didn't know what he looked like)

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Sean (incase anyone didn't know what he looked like)

Jesse and Ryan greeted them in and walked down the studio/basement and to the set up. Jesse wrapped her guitar around her as so did Shae with her bass and then Gerardo on drums.

"So do you wanna do like close up shots of you guys and then once it hits I like zoom out and you know do you thing as I move around?" Sean asks as he was turning on his camera.

"Yeah we can do that like make it anticipating and then once the climax hits BOOM! Ya know?" Jesse says punching her fist in her other hand.

"Yeah, yeah totally get it ok ready whenever you are Jesse" Sean says as he positions his camera to a certain angle of the band.

"Whooo go Jesse!" Alex says cheering his bandmate/friend on making her smile as the other boys did also.

Jesse gives Sean a nod and then her music starts playing from the background and she started singing to it.

They recorded the video having fun and jamming out. During a take of filming Shea nudged Jesse in the arm and then points over at Ryan. Jesse looks over seeing Ryan looking down at his phone with a pissed off face. Jesse takes notice and then shakes her hand under her chin motioning Sean to stop recording.

"Hold on cut Sean, Ryan what's wrong?" Jesse asks. Sean stops as now everybody looks at Ryan as he walks forward his girl looking down at his phone.

"Look at this" Ryan says holding out his phone to Jesse which she took and looking at some TMZ article that was open on Ryan's phone.


Down below was an old picture of Lindsey and Jesse a day before she found what Lindsey has been doing leading to their breakup.

"I think people shouldn't trust that girl she's such a manipulator and a liar don't trust her mother also Joan's such a liar she's even trying to manipulate that new band she's in Adam And The Metal Hawks using their money and that new guy Jesse is with? Yeah she doesn't even love him just using him also" Shae reads out loud as she looks over Jesse's shoulder.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Jesse says as she grits her teeth. She hands Ryan back his phone as she sat down burying her face in her hands.

"Oh my god she's really fucking crazy" Gerardo says everyone else agrees with him.

"I-i just can't right now do we have all the shots Sean?" Jesse asks making him nod. "Yeah we have them all we can leave if you want?" Sean replies.

"Yeah sure sorry guys you had to hear this" Jesse says. "It's ok Jesse you don't have to apologize we all understand it's ok and we're here for you" Shea says placing a comforting hand on the girls shoulder. Jesse softly smiles and pats Shea's hand. They all said their goodbyes leaving the house with Jesse and Ryan alone.

"FUCKING BITCH MAN!!!" Jesse yells burying her face on a couch pillow.


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