Soccer boy (Yeosang)

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I had just graduated from college, and I attended my dream university. My boyfriend Bao went here. He is the captain of the basketball team. I headed to class and when I walked in a soccer ball landed on my feet. A guy with black hair waved at me. "Could you give me the ball?" I picked up the ball and handed it to him. "here" I told him. "Thank you. you must be new here I have never seen you before, by the way I am Yeosang." he stretched his hand to shake mine. I shaked his hand. "Yes, I just transferred here, and my name is Y/N. by the ball I guess you play soccer." I spoke. "Yeah, I am the captain of the soccer team actually." he said. "That's cool." I saw an empty seat next to him. "Could I sit there or does someone sit there?" I asked him. "No, no one sits there because I don't let them." he said. "Oh, then you won't let me sit there either?" I asked as I was going to sit in the other seat. Yeosang grabbed my arm. "No, wait you can sit here. it's because there are some annoying girls that like sitting next to me, but I like you so go ahead and take a seat. umm not like you like that, but you know what I mean." he said as he turned red. "Yeah, I get what you mean." I sat down next to him. "So, tell me more about yourself." he said. "My parents own a business, so I am studying business. I am 24. I have a boyfriend that goes here, and he is the captain of the basketball team." I said when I was interrupted by Yeosang. He had a candy in his mouth and almost choked on it. "You are dating, Bao?" Yeosang asked sitting up in his seat. "Yeah, why do you know him?" I asked. "Oh, yeah, he is quite popular, so I obviously know him and well we are both captains of our sports teams". he replied. In his thoughts, "Why is she dating such an asshole?" The professor showed up and gave us a lecture which I took some notes. Finally, class was over, and I put my stuff away. I headed towards the door. "What's your next class?" Yeosang asked. I was about to answer him when I was interrupted. "Babe, how was your first class?" Bao asked. "How did you know where my class was?" I asked. Yeosang rolled his eyes. "Roni, is in this class. How did you not notice him?" Bao asked and noticed Yeosang. "He is in this class too?" "Yeah, what is the problem between you two?" I asked. "I'll see you later, Y/N. Yeosang said as he walked away. "What other classes do you have? I don't want you in any classes he is taking!" he tried taking my schedule. "Hey, that is none of your business and I am not going to change my class schedule just because whatever went on between you and Yeosang." I said. I started walking away. "Hey babe I'm sorry you are coming to my basketball game tonight, right?" Bao asked. "Yeah, you already know that I am." I said. 

Few weeks later...

Hey Y/N. I know you boyfriend has a game tonight, but I wanted to know if you could come to mine. Yeosang asked. "Sure, I'll go to your game tonight. I'll just tell Bao that I had something to do. "Thank you." Yeosang said and then walked away. Bao was waiting outside my class as usual. "Oh, I wanted to talk to you, babe." I said. "What is it, babe?" Bao asked. "I can't go to your game tonight because I have something to do. I'm sorry." I lied. Bao frowned. "Fine I understand can I see you after the game?" he asked. "Yeah, I'll see you then. I will go to where you are." I told him. 

At the basketball game

"Bao, why are you playing so bad today?" Jaemin asked. "It's because his girlfriend is not here." Roni laughed. "Shut up Roni! I think Y/N does not like me anymore." Bao sighed and threw the ball to Jaemin. Jaemin scored. "What makes you think that?" Jaemin asked. "She is falling for the soccer player, the captain of the soccer team." Roni said. "Is that true, Bao?" Jaemin asked. "I don't know ever since she met him, she has been acting different and she did not come to my game today. She always comes." Bao shot the ball and missed. "Hey Bao, you are not going to like this. your girlfriend is at the soccer game." Doha showed him the video. Bao threw the ball to Jaemin and stormed off towards the soccer field. He was fuming. "Y/N, this is why you could not come to my game? if you did not want to be with me anymore you could have just said something!" "It is not that babe. I just wanted to come to the game but if I told you the truth you would have not let me. " I said. "don't call me babe! we are done!" Bao stormed off. Yeosang approached me. "Are you okay Y/N?" he asked. "Yeah, I am fine I had been thinking about for a while that I wanted to break up with him. 

Months later

I had not seen Yeosang all day, so I was bit worried where he was. He did not answer his texts either. I decided to go to the soccer field and see if he was there. When I got to the field I saw a soccer ball, but Yeosang was nowhere to be found. "Yeosang? Yeosang?" I called out. I got no answer, so I was going to leave when I bumped into Yeosang. "Oh, there you are." I said starting to blush. "You were looking for me? Anyway, good thing you are here. I wanted to ask you something." Yeosang went to pick up the soccer ball and handed it to me. "Read what it says." he said. I took the soccer ball and read it. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I could not believe it, so I reread it. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Yes, I will. I said and smiled. "Yay, I have a surprise for you." Yeosang took out a small box and took out a necklace that had a soccer ball on it. "I hope you like it." he said with a nervous smile. "I really like it. You can put it on me." I said. Yeosang put me the necklace and then he kissed me. 

Author's note: I hope you like this imagine. Let me know if you do and your thoughts. Feel free to request if you want an imagine. Comment below or message me your requests. Make sure to also to state your pronouns. 

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