Will we actually fall for each other?

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Few details: You live with your brothers, Leo, Rano, and Romin. Your oldest brother Leo arranges you to marry his best friend.  Will you eventually fall in love, be with other people? Read to find out!! 

Romin, Rano, and I we were sitting watching a scary movie when Leo walked in with his friend Hyuk. They stood right in front of the TV. "Move! You do not let us see the movie!" I yelled. "Yeah, move!!" Rano said, rolling his eyes. "Why are you doing that?" Romin asked, throwing a piece of popcorn at Leo. "There is something important I need to tell you all, especially you, Y/N." Leo said. "What is it? Hurry up because we want to finish watching our movie." I paused the movie. "You are going to marry my friend Hyuk." Leo said. "Oh, that is it? wait, what?" I said, getting up. "I will not allow that." Rano said, getting up as well. Romin stayed quiet. "I am the oldest, and you can not say no. So Rano, stay out of this!!" Leo said while glaring at him. "I do not want to marry him; he is not even my type, and I do not like him." I spoke. "I will not stay out of this; it is our sister who you are trying to marry. Why does it have to be Hyuk, just because he is your best friend? Does he even like her?" Rano kept asking many questions. "Ah, shut up already, Rano!!" Leo got mad. "Just leave the poor kid alone already, Leo." Hyuk said while approaching Y/N. "Hi, my future wife." I rolled my eyes and ignored him. "So we will leave you alone so you two can talk." Leo made Romin and Rano follow him. "We did not get to finish the movie." Romin said as he followed. "Let's finish it in my room." Rano let Romin, in his room, and slammed the door. "Do not slam the door, Rano!!" Leo yelled. Rano slammed the door again and then locked it. Leo punched the door. 

Hyuk and Y/N Pov..

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked Hyuk. "No, but your brother does not leave me alone and keeps insisting." Hyuk said. "Hey, I got an idea. Let's just do what my brother says, but we can date whoever we want." I suggested. Hyuk smiled. "Okay, let's do it." 

Hyuk and Y/N got married. We got our own place. We continued the plan like we had agreed to that we could date other people. I invited Soobin over, and Hyuk invited Mina. That is how everything went for over a year. Soobin and Mina could not come today, so it was just Hyuk and I. I had bought some beers and was watching a horror movie. Hyuk walked in. "What are you doing?" he asked. "I'm watching a movie. Do you want to join?" I asked and handed him a beer. "Yeah." Hyuk took the beer and sat next to me. We drank until we got drunk, Hyuk kissed me, and I kissed him back. From one thing led to another. (Use your imagination for what happens next.) 

(Two months later)
I felt sick but shrugged it off as stress. Hyuk noticed. "Are you sure you are feeling, okay?" he asked. "Yeah, it's just stress." I said. Hyuk left to work, and my friend Ryujin came over. "Are you sure you are not pregnant?" Ryujin asked.  "Of course, I am sure. why would I be pregnant?" I laughed. "Well, you did have fun with Hyuk two months ago." Ryujin handed Y/N a pregnancy test. "Fine, I'll take it." I headed to the bathroom and took the test, then waited. "Oh my..." I yelled. It's positive, isn't it?" Ryujin asked. "Yeah." I walked out showing her the test. "I knew it." Ryujin laughed. 

(Hours later)

Hyuk arrived home. I was lying down on the couch. "Still feeling sick?" Hyuk asked. "Yeah, but I know why." "Stress, right?" Hyuk asked. "No, I am." I showed him the test. Hyuk took a look at it and walked back out the door. "Hyuk, where are you going?" I sat up, but he had left. "Hmm, that is weird." I thought to myself. Hyuk came back with several bags. "I do not know what you're craving, so I bought different foods, snacks, and drinks."You could have just asked. You did not ask anything even if the baby is yours." I told him and laughed. "Well, I do think the baby is mine, you never went anywhere with your little boyfriend you were always here watching movies in the living room and you two always ordered food and ate here." Hyuk said while laughing. "Hey, you also never went anywhere either, Mina was always here." I said. Hyuk turned red. "Anyway, I can't wait for our little baby to start growing. Let's eat and watch one of those scary movies that you like." I got food. Hyuk put on a movie and then put his arm around me. 

(Months later) 

This became our daily thing. We did go on random dates, either for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even late at night for random cravings. We ended the relationships we had with other people. We were cuddling on the couch and Hyuk was rubbing my stomach when we heard a knock in the door. "I'll go see who it is and we will continue what we were doing" *kisses her on the cheek* Hyuk said and headed towards the door and opens it* "Leo what are you doing here?" he asked. I held my stomach and got up. "Who is it, Hyuk?" I asked. "I need to talk to the both of you." Leo said. "Well, what is it?" Hyuk and I asked at the same time. "After thinking for a while, you two can get a divorce and be happy with whoever you want." Leo said, looking at the floor. "Umm, Leo, it's too late for that. Y/N and I fell in love, we have our first baby that will be here soon and we are just happy together. Although we did not have plans to have a baby but it just happened on one of our drunk nights. Hyuk says and laughs. "What really? I thought the baby was Soobin's?" Leo said. " Wait you knew about him? No. Nothing else happened between him and I, so this baby is Hyuk's." I said.
"Yeah I knew. Anyway I guess I'll let you guys go back to whatever you were doing." Leo then leaves.

You and Hyuk lived happily and had 4 more kids after your first baby. 4 boys and 1 girl which she was the last baby and was a surprise. I hope you liked it. Feel free to request what imagine I should do next either by comment or my messaging me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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