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"Oh I just came back
from the moon,
Found myself looking right at you"

-Saturday, October 8-

It had been an extremely tough night for Minho. He woke up at 2:56 am (he checked as soon as he opened his eyes) to the sounds of Lady Gaga's Paparazzi by the neighbors next door who apparently thought it was a great idea to make a karaoke party until four A.M. in the morning.

Minho and his mom live in an old, rickety apartment complex in the middle of Seoul; the apartment is definitely not much, but this is as much as they can do in the meantime. Yeongja only had the first day at her new job yesterday, so they currently live from hand to mouth for obvious reasons.

Back in their hometown, Yeongja and Minho didn't have to worry about their house expenses because Minho's grandparents inherited it to both of them after they both passed away; When they moved to Seoul a couple of months back, Yeongja had to pass the house to her ungrateful and greedy younger sister. Who frankly, didn't give a single shit about the both of them, especially after Minho was forcefully pushed out of the closet.

Their new apartment is small, to say the least. One and a half bedrooms and one nasty bathroom make up the entirety of the rooms in the apartment, the kitchen is small and can only fit up to two people. The living room has enough space for a small sofa and a dresser for the TV that were all brought from their hometown with the rest of their belongings.

However, the thing that completely saves the apartment is the big, wall-sized squared window in the living room that covers the entire wall and has the most breathtaking view of the Seoul Namsan Tower. During the daytime, the light that comes in through the window is more than enough to wash the apartment with warm and comforting bright light

Although Yeongja still insists that she knows how to make the apartment feel more like home, Minho doesn't believe it, he will never feel at home in this big, crazy city. Yes, he pretty much suffered in his hometown, but he still can't help but miss the empty streets, the lack of cars, the small classrooms, the nature, and basically everything that does not involve being bullied and stepped over, There's no place like home after all, isn't there?

After Minho woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of his tone-deaf neighbors,  he could not fall asleep again until sunrise. Luckily it's Saturday, so he doesn't have to worry about getting up in time for school.

All of those empty hours Minho spent listening to music in his earbuds, blurred out some of the background noise and allowed him to sink into deep thoughts, and without notice, hour after hour passed by in a blink of an eye.

It wasn't until six and a half in the morning when Minho was simply too tired to keep his eyes open, and he fell asleep to the sound of the calming music in his ears. The little sleep that he had was ‏Intermittent and unsatisfying, better than nothing however; Minho had bad sleeping habits ever since he can remember, he can count on one hand the number of nights where he knows he had a genuinely good sleep, that's probably the reason for why he is constantly tired.


It is about eleven when Minho wakes up to the sound of his phone ringtone disrupting his ongoing chill playlist. He forces his heavy eyes open and reaches his hand lazily to the bedside table to pick up the unknown call, trying to make his voice sound like he wasn't just sleeping.

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