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1. "So, Katarina's a nice name. Do people usually call you Kat for short?" "Not twice." (Rick,Daryl, Loki, Steve, Bucky, Ichigo)
2. She pulled the knife from her chest and smiled. "Was that supposed to hurt?" (Rick, Daryl, Negan)
3. "You blew up half the city." "I regret nothing."
4. "I am not a human. I never was. Why are you expecting me to act like one?" (Loki, Steve, Bruce, Rick, Daryl, Ichigo, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru)
5. Seven billion people in the world, and you're overreacting because we killed one man." "But-" "Seven. Billion. People. Now quit complaining and drink your smoothie.
6. "You look exactly the same as you did forty years ago." "I have a really good skin-care routine."
7. "How long have you been standing there?" "Longer than you'd like." (Rick, Daryl, Loki)
8. Thousands of years ago, dragons agreed to take human form. Today they are holding a secret meeting. (Thorin, Thranduil)
9. One day, you wake up as a human lie detector who is accurately able to tell when someone is lying. Your ability tells you that everything your best friend says, including their name, is a lie. (Steve, Bruce, Loki)
10. "Why aren't you worshiping me, mortal?" "Not interested, thanks."
11. "You're insane!" "I know! Isn't it great?"
12. "You're really drunk right now" "No i'm not. You're just blurry."
13. "If we get arrested, it's your fault."
14. "Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it back."
15. "Can I kill him?" "No" "Just a little bit?" (Joker)
16. "I think I broke him." (Joker, Bruce, Bucky, Steve, Loki, Ichigo, Raph)
17. "You forgot to lock the cage." "So." "Darling, he's a werewolf."
18. "So what happens when I press the button?" he asked. "Nothing," she replied. I push the button grinning. "It's what happens when you let go that things get nasty."
20. "I don't want to be ladylike. I want to lure men to their death." (Joker, Loki
21. )
23. "All right," she handed her sister the scissors, "Can I at least punch her?"
25. "I'm looking for a place...mine blew up."
27. She wiped the blood from her cheek and picked up the sword. His eyes followed her blade as she pressed it against his neck. "Don't. Move." (Joker)
29. The process was over in two minutes. He didn't stop screaming for another five. (Bucky)
30. Why are breakfast dates not a more popular thing? Like forget your fancy 9pm dinner, let's go eat pancakes at 9am in our pjs.
31. After decades of loneliness, an immortal goddess has finally agreed to a blind date.
32. "You love her, don't you?" "Was it that obvious?" (Loki, Bruce, Ichigo, Owen, Kagami)
33. "You're one insult away from starting a war." (Loki)
34. "Where is he?" "My Lady..." "Answer me!" (Loki)
35. "Don't tell me how to live my life!" "You're a ghost." (Sam, Edward, Jasper)
36. I could tell by the way he was waving his staff and failing his arms around, that the old man was cross about something. (Thranduil)
37. "You really have no clue who I am?" "You'd think the confused looks and the blank stare would have answered that for you." (Loki)
38. "Truth be told, I'm not sure any of them are actually dead."
40. "This weather is almost as cold as my heart." (Loki, Thorin, Thranduil, Rick, Daryl)
42. Everyone is assigned a guardian angel who helps them through life, however due to a clerical error a demon was assigned to you.
44. The first successful hybrid has escaped from the laboratory. (Loki, Steve, Bruce, Bucky)
46. "Children shouldn't play with guns." "Who said I was playing?" (Rick)
48. "Hon, I eat werewolves like you for breakfast." (Edward)
50. "The humans killed my parents. They must pay in blood for what they have done."
52. "Yes sir, we were able to resurrect your wife...but there's a problem."
54. "Human, explain this to me." "It's a phone. You call people on it." (Loki, Steve)
56. "Seriously, trust me on this. This thing saved my life." (Thorin, Thranduil)
58. She yearned to spread her wings and fly, but they were bound so tightly that it was physically hurting. (Steve, Loki, Bruce, Bucky)
60. She opened her apartment door to hundreds of roses. She knew they were from him; he had found her.
62. Once more, I had to go and feed that giant carnivorous beast that lives in the back of my property.
64. He hadn't meant for her to die.
66. When people reach 18, they stop aging until they meet their soulmates so they can grow old together. You've been 18 for at least 20 years. (Loki, Steve, Bruce, Bucky, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru)
68. Terror. Disgust. I don't really know. It's kind of a toss up when you wake up covered in blood.
70. "You've got heart kid. Several hearts. Honestly, I'm a little afraid of you." (Pein, Loki)
72. They are afraid of me. I don't blame them, I'm afraid of me too. (Thorin, Daryl, Rick, Steve, Loki)
73. "It's okay, You don't have to love me." (Loki, Steve, Raph, Thranduil, Thorin, Daryl, Rick)
74. "Ohh, you think I'm cute when I'm angry? Well, I'm about to become gorgeous." (Loki, Rick, Daryl, Joker)
75. "It's all fun and games until she obliterates you from existence." (Loki, Steve)
76. Did you just drug my cake?"
77. "Y'know, that's not what an apology sounds like." "Bite me" (Loki, Thranduil, Thorin, Joker, Rick, Daryl)
78. "I like the dead. They make good conversation." (Rick, Daryl, Edward, Jasper)
79. "You don't look half bad for a dead man." (Rick)
81. They had both completely given up on love, until they met each other. (Loki)
83. A mighty king disguises himself as a peasant to search for a maiden who will love him for who he is, and not just for his kingdom. (Loki, Thranduil)
84. You have blood on your knees. No one goes nowhere and gets blood on their knees. (Raph, Ichigo, Joker, Sam, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru)
85. "Come with me" a soft voice whispered through the night. (Rick, Daryl, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Ichigo, Raph)
86. He stared at all the bodies on the ground, at the girl covered in blood. Her eyes narrowed as she stood up "you're late." (Joker, Sesshomaru, Steve, Bucky, Sasuke, Pein)
87. "Just take a deep breath or something." "TAKE A DEEP BREATH? It feels like my insides are being RIPPED OPEN!" (Rick, Daryl, Thranduil, Sam)
88. "You have no power over me." "You sure about that?" (Loki, Sam, Joker)
89. "I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you." (Sasuke)
90. She looked up at him, tears filling her already swollen eyes, "But why? Why would you love me?" He tightened his grip, pulling her more snugly in his embrace "Because you bug me, weirdo, duh" (Daryl, Sam, Draco)
91. "It's so...white" "It's snow" "I grew up in a desert. I don't know what weather is let alone snow."
92. "She still won't talk." "Drive another nail through her arm." (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Daryl, Rick, Thranduil)
93. He knew he was home when her lips touched his. (loki, Thranduil, Sesshomaru, Owen)
94. "What the heck is THAT?!" "My cat" "Cat's don't have eight legs" (Steve)
95. "You all realize I'm going to snap one day right?"
96. She burst from the treeline and the moment she saw the group, she threw her hands up and screamed "Not infected!" (Rick, Daryl)
97. She lay on her stomach on the floor trying to breath quietly and hoping they wouldn't look under the bed. (Rick, Daryl)
98. "Three more days of this..." (Kagami, Sasuke, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Owen)
99. "1 universe, 8 planets, 7 seas, 7 continents, 809 islands, 204 countries and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you."
100. "But, I saw you die. How are you still alive?" "I'm not." (Loki, Sam, Dean, Ichigo)

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