Day One

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A/N: the image is made with a picrew it's what our protagonist (Brucie) looks like!

Monday, August 21st 20xx

"Class this is Brucie—" "Please nobody actually needs to know my last name, my siblings have gone here!" He called out in annoyance. The principal sighed, "Please welcome your new classmate." She said putting a hand on the shoulder of the raven haired teen "Off." Brucie grunted adjusting his shoulders to push her hand off of him "Your a bit disrespectful, didn't your parents teach you any manners?" The home room teacher asked her arms crossed with a glare directly at Brucie.

 Brucie smiled "Why, of course they did! Why I know everything I need to know like respect those who you wish to be respected by." He sacastly called out with a smile and looked at the future classmates of his "Where do I sit?" He asked as his dark hazel eyes dotted over and stared into the teacher's green eyes. The classmates stirred and whispered, "Right by Miss.Knox and Mr.Seagrave" the teacher responded pointing to a boy who looked like he had just stepped out of the pool and the girl with a blindfold over her eyes looked at him with curiosity painted on her face. 

With a shrug Bruce approached the seat in between the two and sat door throwing his bag onto the chair with him, "What's your creature dude?" The one with was dripping water from his hair and skin whispered leaning over to Brucie. Brucie ignored him and pulled out a leather bound journal with the letter B engraved in on it the cover from his bag, opening it up it had tea stained pages and a cursive note on the first note before the rest of the pages turned into paragraphs and sketches. These were highly realistic sketches of people or animals, dragons to forests and classes. The two besides Brucie looked at the journal in awe before he shut it closed. 

"That's not very polite," he whispered as the book was slid back into the bag "I wouldn't look over your shoulders now would I?" Brucie smugly said with a smirk "Or would I?" He commented looking back up at the board and teacher talking through the new year. "I'm going to hand out your schedules, after you get the paper you may mingle around the class and talk to your friends." She said with a stack of papers under her hand on the desk, "I can help pass them out ma'am!" A girl exclaimed as her arm shot up to the sky.

 The teacher sighed, clearly she had this student in years before "Yes you may, Leda." Without a second thought the girl got out of her seat and grabbed half of the schedules to hand out. Brucie stared at the girl, "Your new aren't you? What's your name!" She said passing by him "Your a Faerie aren't you?" The girl froze and nodded handing him his schedule before rushing past him.

 "How'd you guess her creature so fast?" The girl with a blindfold asked, "Your a gorgon I'm guessing by the hood and blindfold?" She froze just like the first girl with a slow nod. Brucie was always known at old schools for guessing creatures quickly, he wasn't too smart he was just observant. "I have a question, how'd you get that scar?" The boy with wet glossy skin asked pointing at Brucie's scar across his nose it wasn't big but it definitely called out to people. 

Brucie smacked the hand away, "That is nothing for you to know about." The boy chuckled rubbing his hand "I'm Blair by the way, Blair Seagrave. I'm a water genasi with some air genasi in me." Blair introduced himself as while the girl besides Brucie smiled holding out her hand, "and I'm Kae Knox! I'm a descendant of the Medusa from Greek mythology." This did catch Brucie a bit off guard, "Thats quite a connection. And my name is Brucie, which'd you know if you were focusing earlier." The two frowned, "No last name to tell us?" "One day you'll know." He smugly said looking at his schedule along with the people next to him. "We have almost everything together!" Blair exclaimed, "Oh great." Brucie mumbled and sighed "You signed up for the yearbook? You know they use those old cameras that develop in a dark room right?" Blair asked taking a glance at Brucie's paper. 

A smile grew onto Kae's face, "We have it together! We use the type of cameras that Blair just mentioned but also we use Polaroid cameras! Though kids prefer that as it's more modern plus its the straight white girl popularity whole thing, so it's first come first serve with those cameras." Rae brought up. Brucie nodded, Rae seemed calm and could be a nice friend if he wanted to make any this year at all. Brucie had also processed that these two were very very chatty, the whole class was. "Hey! It's been a while since we've had a new kid." A male with his hair pulled into a bun and a undershave whispered leaning against Brucie's desk, eye contact with him was hard to avoid with him close into Brucie's face. 

"May I help you?" Brucie asked, "I'm Kane, Kane Seagrave." Brucie looked over at Blair "My cousin, Kane is a incubus." Blair grumbled showing displeasure at his cousin nearby. Kane smiled with a toothy grin, "Yep!" "Well I'm aromantic and asexual so you won't be feeding off of me, Kane was it?" Brucie said with a straight face. Kane smiled, "that's alright it wasn't why I was introducing myself! I have a boyfriend anyway. But I wanted to ask what your creature is you look human!" Brucie grunted and pushed Kane off his desk. Kane held back a yelp as he stepped on his own tail, "Your strong heh," he paused to catch his breath "But seriously what are you?" He whined slightly.

The bell rang through everyone's ears in the room, "Time to go!" Kae exclaimed and picked up her bag "I'll see you at yearbook!" She exclaimed running off. Blair smiled, "She is always wanting to be at class first." A small amount of red grew across his cheeks. "Anyway you ready to head to math?" Brucie and Kane both groaned "I hate math!" Kane exclaimed walking to his desk picking up the backpack with patches and pins all over it. Brucie shrugged picking up his bag, then throwing said satchel or bag over his shoulder to walk besides Blair to math class. Brucie began to think about the situation of this school as his past schools always had a few humans. A school full of supernatural creatures should be fine in math class though, right? 

Word count: 1126

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