Mermaids are not what I was expecting

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A/N: two new characters are inspired by my aunts 😌

Tuesday, August 22nd 20xx

"You're the mysterious new student right?" Brucie sighed and turned around to see a bunch of people surrounding him, "Uh yeah. It's Brucie." He introduced himself as the others smiled. "I'm Kellie, I'm a mermaid and we were wondering if you wanted to join the swim team!" Brucie passed the offer. a school of mermaid's —I think that'd be right, their like fish!— just approached him to ask for him to join the swim team?-  "Um well I'm not the fastest of swimmers, and besides wouldn't it benefit you guys more for a another water bearing or someone good in water?" Brucie said crossed arms and a suspicious glare at the red headed mermaid. 

The redheaded mermaid looked back at the swim team, "Okay we'll be honest, most people think mermaids on a swim team is cheating so we need a member to show that we are not cheating!" another mermaid shouted pushing against Kellie, confidence painted on her own face along with some shiny shells glimmering hanging from a chain around her neck. 

"I'm a water genasi if you want someone swift in water." Blair said holding out his hand, "You look like you just got out of the shower, is it always like that?" Kellie asked shaking his hand. Blair nodded, "I'm a Seagrave if that says anything abou—" "Seagrave!?!" the mermaid that was bedazzled with shiny shells and rhinestones exclaimed while grabbing his hands, "Your related to the mythical Olympics champions, Soren and Muriel!?" Blair sighed nodding. 

The mermaid's face was lit up with delight, "Sis! We need him on the team!" The ecstatic mermaid exclaimed to Kellie who was smiling with joy along with the other members of the swim team. "Fine, also introduce yourself!" Kellie reprimanded her younger sister. "Oh right, I'm Millie! Everyone calls me Mimi though, so you're free to call me that as well!" Millie exclaimed her hands placed upon her hips. "Well it was nice to meet you, but I'm going to my next class, good bye." Brucie commented before turning on his heel and making way for his next class, "ah that's no fun!! Come back!" Millie exclaimed grabbing onto his flannel's sleeve. 

"I said off." with no time to process Millie let go, "You don't listen to me when I ask you to." Kellie grumbled, "That was different..." Millie paused "I don't think he's not a normal type of mythical being."

 Brucie walked through the halls pausing seeing older students, they are both sophomores. But he also saw a new friend of his, Kae. "Get away from her you fucking pillowcases." Brucie said walking over, "You think you're so tough new guy?" One of the sophomores said grabbing Brucie's sleeve. "Wait no- Leave him alone." Kae mumbled, "I'll do it, I'll do your homework just leave him be. No reason to drag him into this." Kae expanded. Brucie sighed, "Kae no, it's not your duty to deal with some idiots flunking classes and that will eventually become highschool dropouts." Brucie smugly commented with a smug smile painted on his face as the flannel was pulled off his sleeves and he dropped to the floor. 

"You know what to do." The slightly taller sophomore said to the shorter one who stepped onto Brucie's back, Brucie hissed as the foot pressed along his spine. "Leave him be!!" Kae yelled as the taller one held onto her arms. "No can do, you do our work or he gets hurt." Kae froze, "Brucie close your eyes." Brucie nodded immediately forcing his eyes shut tightly as Kae shook her hood off. "The fuck- ow! It hit my fucking nose you!—" The taller one was cut off guard as the eye mask was slipped off by one of the green snakes in Kae's mess of "hair" Kae stared at him as he turned to stone and she put the hood back on following with the cloth that had previously covered her eyes.

 "It's okay now," Kae said pushing off the now statue of a senior that rested with his foot against Brucie's spine, "You can open your eyes." Brucie opened his eyes to see two stone statues laying on the floor. A teacher walked towards the two, "Kae Knox!" He yelled, "You can't use your powers, I'm going to call your parents." Brucie watched as Kae nodded as a small tear slipped underneath the mask.

"I'm sorry about that Kae, but it's not your fault you know?" Brucie said wiping the tear off her cheek. Kae looked up at him, "What do you mean? I froze them to stone. Brucie nodded, "Sure you did, but it was self defense we were both being psychically bullied by them and we can blame them for taking off the little blindfold you wear!" Brucie exclaimed booping his friend on the nose, "You- I-" Kae stammered hiding her reddish face in her hands. 

Brucie smiled, "Don't worry, I'll defend you if this gets any further than school issues." He whispered holding her hand before letting go as the teacher came back. "Your parents have been called Ms.Knox, and you?" Brucie smiled, "Brucie Bai sir." Kae popped her head upwards, "Bai? That's Chinese isn't it?" Brucie nodded. "Mother is Chinese and my father left us after my birth. I know I look mostly American, I guess I got most of my genes from my father." There as a minute of silence in between the two.

"Brucie?" Kae nervously whimpered

"Yeah? Brucie responded to Kae, "Do you know your own creature?" Brucie nodded. "I've never met another one of me, atleast I don't think so." Brucie continues on, "That must have been rough as a kid." Kae says sitting down on a small loveseat in the halls as Brucie sits down besides them. "I never got your pronouns Kae, what are they? I've been using She/Her automatically." Brucie casually brings up as Kae looks over at him, "She/They I think, I've been testing around pronouns for a while now and it feels nice to be referred to as They, but I also like She and Her." Brucie nods. 

"I used they/them for a few years but eventually decided it didn't suit me, I'm back using he/him now but I kinda miss hearing they." Kae chuckles, "We have a similar situation Huh?" She giggles "I guess so Kae." Brucie sighs and notices the teacher came back outside his classroom, "To the office your parents are here Ms.Knox. You, Mr.Bai your mother is here too." The two nod getting up and heading down to the office, already having their bags and everything made it a lot easier but it wasn't a good first day.

A/N: I was gonna use Google translate for this bit, so when Brucie and his mother talk to eachother just pretend that it's in Chinese bc my wattpad wasn't letting me have normal text w/ Google translate 🥲

As the two reached the office, Kae saw her parents looking very disappointed and besides their parents was Brucie's mother. Brucie walked out towards his mother, "Brucie it's only the first day of a new school year—" Brucie's mother sounded more disappointed and under the weather before being interrupted by Kae's parents. 

"You know you're not allowed to use your powers!" The father shouted as Kae nervously fidgeting with her hands, Brucie and their mother looked at the poor girl being reprimanded. The voice of her father was loud and echoed in the entrance room of the highschool.

"You could get convicted of murder Kae!" Her mother yelled, "If I may, when Kae did turn the two to stone only one got injured. Plus to add on, the two have been bullying them for I'm guessing awhile, they seemed familiar with her." Kae looked at Brucie surprised, what was he trying to prove? Her mother looked at Brucie.

"Who are you and why do you think your smarter than—" "I'm not saying I'm smarter I'm saying that your child had it happen due to their own idiotic actions by bullying a descendant of the popular Medusa." He explains calmly to the irritated mother, by interrupting her of course. Kae chuckled, "Thanks Brucie." "No problem Kae, I did say I'd help."

Word count: 1371

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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