Cyno↬Hide and Seek

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yandere!cyno x gn!reader

Found you.

The sensation of your feet sinking unto the sand with each step back is agonizing, dreadful. The winds that pass by occasionally are but momentary canopy of coarse dust and they only quicken your heart's pace more and more.

“Please, I've already clarified that I've done nothing!”

Among the golds, the violet aura oozing from General Mahamatra's figure and the green of your uniform stick out like sore thumbs. You take another step back — almost tumbling down because of the passed out body of an eremite mercenary — electro crackles from Cyno's weapon dangerously and one look at the scarlet sand has you gulping.

“‘Nothing’? Are you imposing that plagiarism is nothing?

Thump. You feel the desert sand between your fingers next and for a moment, you wish that you'd sink in it whole instead of facing this humiliation. You catch sight of your hat in the corner of your eye, a ray of sunlight shines on the single gem perched on it reflecting back splattered blood. Your attention is snapped back to the General Mahamatra as you realize that there is scarce distance between you two now. The sharpness of his eyes have not dulled in slight but perhaps by what of your blurry vision, you see his eyes soften, by a fraction.

“How pitiful,”

Your body involuntarily flinches as the General crouches down to your level but one sharp look from him again and you're pinned to your place. He seems to ponder on something by the silence, you vaguely make out various degrees of conflict in his dusk-like irises.

“Hm, how about this ; in exchange for your crimes to remain concealed from the Akademiya, you come with me and pledge your utmost devotion to me and me only?” his hand wipes away a stray tear, his touch burning against your cool skin. In the miscellany of all the events that had passed, when exactly you started crying slips past and the weight of the General Mahamatra's offer hangs heavily in the air.

You're no fool to the catch in his deal and if all your suspicions that had accumulated from months — perhaps even years
prior prove anything, it's that you should not accept it. But on the off chance you don't, you'd be dragged to trial and then be banished from the Akademiya's, even Sumeru's borders ; unable to pursue knowledge for the rest of your mortal life.

Lord Cyno's fingers curl around your face in a tilt, his index finger taps against your skin, brief shocks of electricity passes by ; just strong enough to startle you. There's something so... predator like in his gaze, it taunts you, dares you to refute, reject him.

You feel so so utterly powerless.

Chocking back a sob, you shakily lean unto Cyno's touch, unable to pronounce a response. The General takes that as a yes and jerks your face up, a silent command to meet his gaze. The smile on his face has shivers run down your spine.

Cyno commends incredible restraint against his inner emotions, soaking in every bit of your reactions.


Taking the risk of making some... minor adjustments to your theses was definitely worth it.

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You're not the only one who got ✨thoughts✨ after that teaser, alright.

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