Reincarnation AU↬Raiden Shogun + Scaramouche

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reincarnation au with yandere! raiden ei who just can't seem to have you in any life.

Or well, any of your lives to be exact as fate had preordained an endless cycle of gain and loss for her, ever so saved from the chilly embrace of death, of erosion. That's not to say your first 'life' with her was exactly determined to have an eventual parting-far from that and this (self) assurance ultimately created the deathliest crack on her trust in immortality.

You were a little different back in those days splattered with blood and ichor but, what remained eternal was the humanity and the reflection of an undefiled soul in your eyes—and which, she fell in love with. Despite the surges of elemental currents flowing through your body and an aura that suggested a little more, you had a heart and a pair of [e/c] eyes more humane than any mortals' and every one of your glances that shook Ei to her core was directed at her.

It was only natural, she'd admitted. Only someone as gentle and peaceful as Makoto could hope to hold your attention, adoration and perhaps that beautiful heart, too? Only someone as true Raiden Makoto could stand beside you, after all. Ei had not complained or allowed even the littlest of these feelings to escape ; the occasional conversations you shared with her and the accidental brushes of your hand against hers was enough to keep her satisfied. If it's Makoto, she didn't mind. If it's you, she would keep her desires locked for another five thousand years. But what is she expected to do or to feel when you end the promise of an eternity alongside her sister?

She searches for another, one unbound by the fleeting nature of the world, one unrestricted by the humane emotions, an unchanging, perennial eternity carved from the same dream. To achieve that she'd forsake anything : her body, her emotions and even take away her people's ambitions.

Following that, many things had transpired. One such day with the Sakuko Decree in effect, as she strolled through the almost deserted paths of Narukami on a rare break from her endless meditation and saw her sanctuary through the puppet's eyes, she noticed a tense figure draped in silks suggesting otherwise of being a foreigner. Upon advancing closer, the figure of you garbed in costly Inazuman clothing and the ever so luminescent pair of [e/c] threw her whole world upside down.

Had the icy heart of the Heavenly Principles finally thawed upon her tireless work to achieve Eternity? Was this the reward, the second chance she'd so begged to receive? Unable to control her excitement she practically leaped towards you and called out your name. You responded with a visage painted with confusion and startle, questioning how she knew but then you mirrored her earlier urgency, quickly adding that you were lost and in search of your husband.

Huh. It seemed like your endearing ditz was unchanged, too. Though soon she found some less endearing things leaking through your posture ; your flighty glances around the vicinity, twirling of thumbs and a look of silent panic barely contained. She was confused now, what exactly were you so frightened for? Beasts and monsters? Or nobushis harboring ill intent? Or was it the Shogunate?

The answer to that could wait though. Right now, her top priority was to keep you safe and make sure to not repeat the same mistake this time. So, she offered you residency at the Tenshukaku and a promise to send a guard to find your...your........husband?

The realization dawns on her along with a bone-chilling chime. In seconds your body is blocked by another and a reflection electrifies her stare. Her very own creation stands before her, with you in his grasp and the weight of your relationship with him resounds like a koto's broken string.

It seemed like the Heavenly Principles had a whole array of unfunny jokes set for her.

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this was written for a dear friend for summoning scara and spoiler alert! he came home :)

I know I'm evil for doing this but Ei angst is so delicious I cannot help it

regardless, this concept is actually very dear to me<3

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