Imposter Soulmate AU↬Al Haitham + Cyno

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Soulmate AU with Yandere!Al Haitham and Yandere!Cyno but there's a catch ; your loving soulmate who you've been married to for a year now is suddenly revealed to be fake.

For a nation that pride's its opulence of knowledge and rationality, the mere concept of 'soulmates' earns a rather miscellaneous reaction in Sumeru. The majority of the Akademiya -except the Rtawahist- simply dismiss it as a rose-tinted fairytale while there are those living defendants of this supposed fairytale who've been hushed and told to keep the exception within them a secret weighed by life and death, by parental figures or anyone who dared to care and you had found yourself among this confused and cautious bunch in the early days of youth.

You've heard in the wind of how some absolutely dreaded and hated the prospect of being tied to another from the moment they're born but somehow in this cacophony of reactions and beliefs you had managed to nurture a tender adoration towards the idea of a destined other half, which ultimately unraveled to be your biggest weakness.

Even before marriage, your 'soulmate' had a persistent episode of pining ; from invading your workspace and leisurely time to showering you with a-little-too-many flowers, books from foreign lands that you had expressed to your friends you'd like to read, embellishments that caught your eyes for the briefest of moments for your humble cottage to store or to be deemed appropriate. You had politely pointed out and defected his very direct approaches when you still could but as it is, Alhaitham's reputation of being... himself is not fabled in the slight and neither was the determination you'd piled up to reject him for good strong enough before the trump card he laid out before you next, the soulmate mark.

You were naïve then to jump in his embrace, so so naïve, you'd realize a year exactly later (and a memory would resurface, you'd regret not listening to Layla back then). On the same day you managed to convince Alhaitham to go out to celebrate the special day for the first time in that year, came your true soulmate like a thundering storm fresh from Inazuma and then, your cherished fairytale and trust in the Scribe crumbled in thousand, irrepairable pieces.

The former General Mahamatra had spend years trying to find this other half of his, as the Rtawahist students liked to put it. He'd searched every corner of Sumeru, left no stones unturned no trace retraced if it meant getting to you. Do you have any idea how many times he'd longingly stared and caressed the soulmate mark, desperate to find that warmth again? By some twisted addition by the stars, he, too, had grown a fond sentiment towards his soulmate and then it suddenly turns you were right here, married to a ruse and confined to this prison Alhaitham calls a house? In his defense, his fury is very justified when he finally finds you.

Normally, Cyno would've gone for the Scribe's head first before taking you to your rightful place but by whatever came upon him that day, he extended his hand and gave you the open choice to leave Alhaitham. He was secretly so sure that you'd be running towards him in a second and leaving that maniac behind- so then why are you hesitating?

Cyno's perplexed visage made for quite the show against the Scribe's little smirk that stood testament to the hard work he'd done while Cyno was scavenging for a trace of you everywhere but the obvious. Cyno soon caught up to the fact of what Alhaitham had done and it made his vision red in pure bloodlust.

All the weight of this came crashing on to you, you would need to make a choice fast but could you really when they only appeared to be worse and worse than the other?

You'll have to choose though but in the off-chance you ultimately can't, they're more than willing to settle this the old-fashioned way.

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