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As expected, the 'comrade' did not grab your bait, but the target did. You shot him from a fair distance when he was on his way home after meeting the opposition's head. It would make it look like an internal rivalry- you even used one of the bullets more commonly used by the opposition. Everything was perfect-

Or so you thought.

A scuffle broke out at your route of escape- after the gunshot, you couldn't risk jumping roofs. You rolled your eyes at the timing of all this, sliding down the pipe and jumping into the dark alley, calculating your options- you could either wait for the commotion to die down, or you could wear another disguise- the one where everyone could see you but no one would recognise you.

As the Princess, you weren't very public yet. Only your court knew your face, and you preferred to keep it that way not only because of your other job, but because more people knowing your face would only cause trouble. You were not the queen yet and you had not made a public appearance in about 4 years- ever since the attempted assassination of your father. That was the last time you accompanied him outside- you did not have a choice there, it was for your own 'safety'.

The people had forgotten your face- you had heard a lot of gossip about the absence of the princess and how it seemed like she did not exist anymore. Good for you.

You only waited for Yeosang to come to you- he always stayed close during the missions that were to be carried out in public- ones like today, in case anything like this happened. He soon found you and you told him your plan. Yeosang unzipped the bag and you took off all the extra layers of clothes, changing into an average looking hanbok. You hid your weapons in the bag and the two of you walked out of the alley as if nothing had happened, making way towards the commotion, from where you would blend into the growing crowd of the angry ladies who were struggling to move past them.

"Of all the days," you muttered and Yeosang scoffed.

"Good thing I was near," Yeosang muttered back. "You would have died of boredom waiting in the alley otherwise."

"Definitely," you sighed. You made a quick assessment of the people around you- everyone was too busy looking at the group of men fighting, ignoring their princess walking among them.

"I'm having a few silly ideas, Yeosang," you turned to him, smiling. "I could visit the town sometime dressed like this. No one would recognise me!"

"Bad idea," Yeosang tsk-ed and shook his head. "You're just lucky this time that the attention is already drawn."

"You sound like my brooding old father, Yeosang," you rolled your eyes. "We should do this sometime! Look- no one cares."

You separated from Yeosang, blending among the very angry ladies, earning an elbow to your ribs before you made it out. It took Yeosang another minute and he came out with a harsh frown, making you grin.

"See? Point proven."

"Yeah, whatever. You know no one's going to let you out."

"I'll let myself out," you said, sighing in relief because the road ahead was clear save for a few passersby. "I don't need permission to go outside, I'm not a kid-"

You paused for a second as a man passed you, turning to look at him after a few seconds, frowning when you realised he had paused in his tracks too. Yeosang stood in confusion, watching the man turn and scan you briefly.

Perhaps it was his eyes- so familiar. The two of you stared at each other for a moment before he tipped his hat, bowing a little and you returned it with a little nod before continuing. Yeosang looked back and forth anxiously. "What was that?"

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