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It was a couple of days later that you encountered Mr. Jung in a meeting where the trade relations were discussed. The meeting was very formal and you were focusing more on observing and feeling out the handful of committee members to see whether they really were biased towards their homeland, Utopia, or were also interested in the well-being of Wonderland as their new home, but you couldn't help notice how... casual Mr. Jung was.

There was just something about him that was so easy-going and he had the ability to engage the whole room with whatever he babbled, even making a few jokes. It both irked you and impressed you- you wished you possessed that quality too- you only had the power factor or your biting remarks holding you up.

And... maybe you were tripping, but he kept sending borderline flirty looks in your direction- or maybe, that's just how he looked. Like a shameless flirt. Yep, it was probably that- it didn't help that he was incredibly handsome with his sharp features and those damned facial muscles and jawline-

"With this, the meeting concludes," Hongjoong announced and you got up before the Utopians rose and bowed in your direction, urged by the staff to move to the hall for tea.

"You should have some tea with that lot too," Hongjoong said. "Try to have a one-to-one with some of them- if they're brave enough to approach you."

You narrowed your eyes at how he snickered as he said that. "So very professional, Hongjoong. I shall, only if you join me as well."

"Oh, I'll be there. Look, Yeosang's already interacting," Hongjoong pointed and indeed, he was- with none other than Mr. Jung. "They look chummy."

"This is probably the actual first conversation they're having," you commented. "Isn't Mr. Jung... way too friendly and casual?"

"Does it bother you?"

"Not really. It's nice to have someone like that- I just wish we had some charming people in our court too-"

"Hey, that's a backhanded insult, isn't it?" Hongjoong scoffed. "Why would anyone bother charming anyone in our meetings?"

"Fair enough," you sighed, taking the cup of tea that one of the committee members offered you. You learned that he was Mr. Jeon, ex-Finance Minister of Utopia, now advisor. He discussed some management ideas he had and you listened carefully- he seemed genuinely interested in improving the budget handling of Wonderland and you were glad you might have an actual ally.

As you were munching on a chocolate tart, Mr. Hirai joined, all laughs and smiles as he told you how he had been sleeping better after Mr. Jung lent him the herbs for the tea. You laughed back, telling him you were glad he was feeling better.

As the two left you, you looked around, noticing some of the people present stealing glances at you while some were interacting among themselves. You suddenly felt nervous, being in the middle of the room alone-

"Seems like I'm the official nanny for the committee now."

You turned to the familiar voice, grinning when you saw Mr. Jung, looking quite smart in a black button down and matching pants. "I guess you have me to thank for."

"Definitely," he grinned. "Let me know when you're about to run out. I'll have them bring a whole year's worth this time, since you like sharing it anyway."

You laughed. "I thought it was a common recipe among Utopians?"

"Not really," he smiled. "Someone in Wonderland, actually, taught me the right mix, though the ingredients you have to get from Utopia."

"Ah," you scanned his face. "How long have you lived here before moving?"

"About 8 years," he said, offering you another tart when you finished eating the one you had casually been eating. "You seem to like these."

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