Lights Out (2)

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   "Again!" your mother shouts, filling the room with her voice.

   You sigh rubbing your ankle as you get another sip of water from your bag. "Mother please let's just take a break my whole body hurts," you plead, groaning at the recurring sting in your foot.

   Your mother sighs in annoyance, "You're always asking for breaks," she huffs out, glaring at you.

   "This feels obnoxious, we have trained for this dance for almost 2 months straight," I tell her to try getting my words to her thick skull.

   You could feel the anger in her eyes staring you down like lasers, "Do you know how much I've done to get you to this point? You would be nothing without my help, you're so selfish." she hissed out at me, causing a stinging feeling in my eyes once more.


BEEP BEEP BOOP (pretend it's your alarm)

   Groaning at the sudden noise you harshly hit your alarm, groggily wiping your eyes and checking the time. Memories of your dream start flooding back to your mind. "Ah, why did I have to dream of my mom on the night before the biggest gig of my career." Suddenly your eyes widen, "Holy shit todays the day of the main recital." I remind myself practically throwing myself out of bed.

   Quickly I rummaged through my closet grabbing the same long sleeve, skin tight turtle neck from yesterday, some shorts, and leg warmers. You knew you would have to do your makeup and hair at work so you didn't bother trying it at home.

   Once you finished changing you tied your hair up letting your bangs out. Finally you grabbed your phone, headphones, and bag before checking yourself out in the mirror. 'I'm so cute' you thought to yourself giggling lightly leaving your apartment closing and locking the door behind you.

   You were aware you were early so you thought to yourself what you should do before heading to the main theatre. Opening your phone to turn your music on while you walk, placing your earbuds in your ears as you saw a Starbucks and decided you could get a small cold brew since it was warmer today.

   Though the Starbucks was still a few blocks away so you thought you should check your phone for text messages or missed calls, and of course there were already four missed calls from your mother. In a panic that she will file a missing person report on you, you swiftly tapped the call button waiting for the ring. Almost instantly she picked up, frantically ranting on, "Mom calm down, what is it?" I say in an attempt to hear what she was going on about.

Swan of Borderland (chishiya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now