4: Night Well Spent

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I opened the door and let him pass me.

"Okay so you can watch the movie in here or in my room."

"In here." He said as he plopped down on the couch.

"Okay." I nodded then kneeled down in from of the CD stand.

"The choices are: Incidious, The Orphan, Annabelle and Quarantine."

"The Quarantine."

"Well I want to watch Orphan so rock paper scissors."

"Sure." He held out his fist.

"Rock, paper, scissors. shoot." We said in unison. I drew paper and he drew scissors.

"I win!" He jumped up and yelled it again.

"Okay okay calm down I'll put it in."

"I'll make some popcorn."

"Okay." I pressed the eject button then placed the cd and yadda yadda. I leaned back then smelled popcorn. I got up and walked in the kitchen to see Brooks pouring the buttered popcorn in a clear glass bowl.

"How did you find the popcorn and bowls?"

"I just searched your cabinets."

"Well that's odd."

"No it's not." He shook his head then handed me the bowl.

"Thats not a good idea."


"Last time my mom let me hold the bowl I threw it up when something popped out and it went everywhere."

"Ohh then give me that back." J

"Okay." I gladly handed it back to him. I walked back to couch with him following. When he say down I handed him the remote then said.

"You start the movie I have to use the bathroom." I walked up the stairs, into the bathroom and did my business then walled back to the loving room.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"What?" He ask.

"Half the bowl is already gone."

"Don't worry we can fix another bowl."

"Yeah but I would've appreciated it if you left me some." I groaned as I sat down beside him and reached for a handful of popcorn so did he. I looked at our touching hands then pulled away.


"It's okay." He smiled before turning back to the movie. Unlike him I was dying inside. My face still supported a blush as I ate popcorn and watch the movie.

"Ahh Jesus!" I yelled as something popped up. The end credits began to scroll up the screen.

"God that was terrifying." I sat as I uncovered my eyes.

"It wasn't that scary."

"Yes it was I'm going to have nightmares." I caught my breathe that I was holding and stood up.

"I'm gonna go get changed into my pajamas in my room you can change in the bathroom." I walked up stairs continuously checking over my shoulder. I shut and locked my door then changed into my baggy jogging capris then into my baggy Finding Nemo shirt. I unlocked the door and looked both ways down the hall. I own its childish but scary movies really get to me but overall the night was going great. I stopped at the bathroom and knocked but there was no answer.

"Brooks are you in there?" I asked but still no answer til someone was grabbed my shoulders causing me to jump and scream.

"Goodness calm down its only me."

"You're going to be the death of me."

"Ohh stop being so dramatic."

"It's not my fault I'm scared easily."

"Toughen up a little and you won't be so scared easily."

"I dont need to be tough."

"Jeez no wonder our always picked last in P.E you suck at exercise."

"No it just depends on when and where I apply myself."

"Then why are failing P.E?"

"I'm not I do what I need to do then after school on Mondays I head back to class with a couple of other people and run of a couple of laps to keep an A."

"Your such a nerd."

"Your such a player." I pushed his arm.

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know I mean look at you spiked hair, dazzling smile, emerald green, large muscles with your whole look and attitude it couldn't be easy to stay loyal."

"It just depends on how feel about the girl."

"Well I'm going to go to bed I'm tired."

"So am I." He said 

"Okay." I questioned him but ignored it. I jumper on bed and snuggled in between the covers.

"Scoot." He said.

"What?" I rolled over on my bag and looked up at him.

"Well you said you were going to wake up in the middle of the night screaming so instead if having to run up the stairs." I was too tired to disagree to I just nodded then rolled back over. I fell asleep with him hugging me.

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