Chapter 1 - Finding the hobo child

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                  ———Ronals POV———

I had just started on my walk, Tonowari said he would take care of our kids, Tseriya and Aonung; Tsireya was 7 and Aonung 10.

I inhaled the salty air as seagulls cawed overhead. It had been a good hour and it was time to head back, as I turned around I tripped on a rock. At least I thought I was a rock, it turned out to be a small child.

I could tell that the child was a girl around 6 years old, instantly my maternal instincts took over and I picked up the girl.

She was so small and weak, you could hear her ragged breaths and I could feel her bones as I held her.

The girls surprisingly already has tattoos, one for her first hunt, first kill, training to be a warrior. She looked much too young to have achieved any of those things and definitely too weak.

There was no child who had accomplished any of this in our tribe, maybe she was of another?

Looking at the state she was in I rushed home as quick as my legs could take me, I was the Tsahik and I refused to let this little girl die.

I stopped when I finally reached my marui and Tonowari gave me a weird look until he saw the girl in my arms.

"Keep Aonung and Tsireya away" I wheezed still panting from my run.

Tonowari just nodded and headed into our kids rooms and I laid the girl down. I gathered all the things I needed and started on the healing rituals I knew.

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