Chapter 2 - Hobo gets a name

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I'm really bad at writing sorry y'all 😭
Tbh I would pull the "English is my 3rd language" card but I've lived here long enough to know it properly.

———Ronal POV———

She girl was recovering well, she would wake up any day now.

My and Tonowari had argued a lot about her, he wanted to put the girl in the healing marui but I felt too anxious to let her out of my sight.

I don't know why but I felt like I couldn't leave her.

My kids took a real interest in her, Tsireya was fascinated by the girl

"Is that my new sister?" she would ask.

I would end up explaining to her that no, that wasn't her sister. That led to an awkward conversation about where babies come from...

Aonung on the other hand didn't really like the girl,

"Cant we just throw her back into the ocean ma?"

I couldn't believe that kid sometimes.


I was making a quick breakfast before going to go check on the girl when I felt eyes on me.

I turned around to see my family staring at the girl who was apparently awake and in our dining room now.

She didn't say anything, she just rubbed her eyes before yawning and continued staring at me.

It was awkwardly silent for a few seconds as we looked at each other not knowing what to do.

Tonowari picked her up and put her down next to him and Tsireya, he grabbed another plate infront of the girl and I put food on everyone plate.

"Hey honey what's your name?" I asked

"........." the girl didn't respond, she just shrugged.

"How old are you?" Tseriya asked

"Eight" the girl said

Eight? What the hell? I thought she was six when I first saw her on the beach, maybe she didn't have enough to eat?

"How about we give you a name then?" I said, already thinking of names that would suit her in my head.

"Yeah what about poop" Aonung said, he was started laughing but he quickly stopped when he realized no one else was.

I smacked him on the back of the head, he's so immature

"Y/N, that would suit you" said Tonowari

We all looked at the girl apprehensively, seeing if she liked the name.

Her eyes lit up as she repeated her name a few times

"Y/N....Y/N....I like it" she said, blushing.

My heart melted seeing her smile like that.


Later that night Tonowari held a clan meeting around the bonfire. The night was young and the wind was chilly. Ronal shivered as she pulled her children and Y/N closer to her.

Suddenly Tonowari yelled for quiet and grabbed Y/N.

Silence spread through the crowd as he begun to speak "Does anyone recognize this child?"

He grabbed Y/N from under the armpit and held her up for the crown to see.

He grabbed Y/N from under the armpit and held her up for the crown to see

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(Like in this scene)

He put her down and waited, almost a minute had gone by as the people in the crowd silently whispered to each other about this mystery child.

"No one?" He said, his voice commanding and serious.

Tonowari looked at Ronal and they both nodded at each other in agreement.

"Me and Ronal have decided to welcome this child, Y/N, to our tribe"

A cheer erupted from the crowd and later festivities ensued. Music was played and sung, people danced, there was lots of food and everyone celebrated and welcome Y/N to the tribe.

*Ronal and Tonowari decided not to adopt Y/N but she still lives in their marui and everything. (Like a foreign exchange student, not exactly family but still welcomed as "family") I know it's a bit weird but this whole thing would become an incest story 😟

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