Chapter 7- Meeting the Sulleys

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Im slowly running out of ideas send help
I'm also studying to get my drivers permit and other stuff so chapters won't be rolling out as fast

I woke up to Aonung shaking,

"Y/N, Y/N wake up right now,"

You groaned as you slowly lifted your self up, propping yourself onto your elbows and glaring at him.

"Let me sleep more pleaseeee"

Aonung didn't say anything he just pointed to the living room. You managed to get out of bed and walked into the living room to see the genetically mutated people and Tonowari.

"Oh my god" you muttered under your breath before walking up to them.

"Y/N," Tonowari said "They are here to apologize for yesterday."


One of the blue kids stepped up to you and did the I see you thing

"I see you Y/N"

"Uhhhhh I see you.....umm-"

"Neteyam, my name is Neteyam"

"I see you Neteyam" I said, bowing my head a bit.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday, I thought you were attacking my brother and I pushed you, I didn't mean it that way."

"Nahhhh," I yawned "your fine, I shouldn't of grabbed him like that, what his name anyways?" I asked looking at the other genetic mutation in my living room.

"My name is Lo'ak" he said

"I'm sorry for pulling your hair yesterday Lo'ak" I said while grabbing my plate of breakfast.

I could see Aonung staring at me and I gave him a little wave, signaling for him that it was alright to come out. I turned around as Aonung came in, he stood right behind me while I ate my food. Both of us were staring the the blue kids until I spoke,

"So what happened to you guys anyways? I'm betting on genetic mutations but I guess being stuck by lightning could be a possibility" I said in between chews.

The boy named Lo'ak laughed and his brother sort of got red in the face as Tonowari sighed.

"No Y/N their family came here from the forest, they are Toruk Maktos children. They are Omaticaya."

"Oh, you know what that makes a lot more sense," I said finishing my last bite. "So why did you guys come here anyways?"

"We came here to seek Ukturu" Neteyam said.

I paused what I was doing and looked up at him "I see that Ukturu has been granted then?"


Then Aonung came up to me and whispered in my ear, "your bandages are soaked with blood you should change them"

"Alright go back to my room" I whispered back as I walked back to Tonowari and the boys.

"I'm gonna go get ready, then we can head out?" All three of them nodded their heads and Neteyam said

"See you both outside then,"

I nodded in response as they left and I scurried back into my room where Aonung was waiting with ointment and fresh bandages. (Idk if they have bandages but I would assume it would be dried up seaweed or some shit)

I won't describe what proceeded to happen but I'll let you know that screams of

"Stop that burns"


"Sxawng, be more gentle"

Were heard.

After that both Aonung and Y/N walked out of the marui,  Y/N glared at him as he led her to where the normal meeting spot was.

Once we got there I saw even more blue people, this really felt like a fever dream.

Most of them stopped what they were doing and got up, following Tseriya

"Glad you finally woke up sleepyhead,"

You just smirked back at her.

Everyone had their eyes on you and you suddenly felt a bit self conscious, Aonung sensed this and put himself infront of you as you waved to all of them,

They all introduced themselves to you and after some small talk they all jumped into the water quiet clumsily.

You stepped into the water, it instantly soothed the burning sensation from the cuts on your leg, you kept going closing your eyes and breathing a sigh of relief as your body relaxed.

You didn't notice but behind you Aonung had asked y'all's friends (roxto and the rest of the guys) to cover for him for todays lesson so he could talk to you.

———— AONUNG POV ————
A bit back in the timeline before you went on your last passage of rite.

Father sat me down to talk one night when Y/N was in her own Marui.

"Aonung, sit" he patted the floor next to him.

"Your now of age, as the future Olo'eyktan you need to pick a good and formidable mate to become future Tsahik,"

Aonung's face reddened at the thought of having a mate.

"Yes sir" he replied.

"Me and your mother have spoken about this and-"

"Your not deciding who I mate with dad" said Aonung

His father was surprised, Aonung didn't usually disrupt his sentences especially during one on ones, he must feel very strongly about this then.

"Boy listen up, I was going to suggest taking
Y/N as your mate" he sighed "at least, as long as she is okay with that,"

That instantly shut Aonung up, he had had a crush on Y/N since he first met her and got to know her.

"You know?" He questioned his father.

"Do you think we haven't seen the way you look at her,"

Aonung avoided his fathers eyes and looked down, suddenly the maruis floor was the most interesting thing in the world.

Tonowari just patted Aonungs back and left the room, leaving Aonung alone with his thoughts.

From that day on he decided he was going to act like a mate to her, comfort her, be kinder, etc. and eventually ask her to be his mate

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