Chapiter 1: The Accident

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I was just an ordinary high school student, with ordinary interests and ordinary problems. I enjoyed playing video games, hanging out with my friends, and trying to get good grades. My parents were strict but loving, and I knew that they only wanted the best for me.

Every day was pretty much the same. I would wake up early, get dressed, and head off to school. I would sit through boring lectures, eat lunch with my friends, and try to avoid getting into trouble. After school, I would usually hang out with my friends or spend some time alone playing video games.

But one day, something strange happened. I was walking home from school, lost in thought, when I suddenly heard the sound of brakes screeching. I looked up and saw a car careening towards me, its driver unable to stop in time.

I tried to run, but it was too late. The car hit me, sending me flying through the air. I hit the ground hard, my head cracking against the pavement. For a moment, everything went black.

When I came to, I was lying on the side of the road, surrounded by a crowd of concerned onlookers. I felt dazed and disoriented, but somehow I knew that I was alive.

As I struggled to my feet, I noticed something strange. The world around me seemed to shimmer and fade away, as if I were looking through a veil. I could see through the buildings and people, as if they weren't really there.

I realized that I had somehow gained the ability to "noclip," to move through solid objects as if they weren't there. I didn't know how or why this had happened, but I knew that it was a strange and dangerous power.

I looked around, trying to orient myself. I was in a strange and unfamiliar place, a maze of interconnected rooms filled with foam and dust. The walls were a dingy shade of yellow, and the floors were sticky and uneven. The air was heavy and musty, and it smelled like mold.

I didn't know how I had gotten there, or what had happened to the city. All I knew was that I was lost, and that I needed to find a way out.

I started to explore, hoping to find some clues or hints that might lead me to an exit. But as I walked, I realized that I had no control over my ability. I would suddenly find myself moving through walls or floors, with no idea how I had gotten there. It was disorienting and frightening.

As I stumbled through the endless maze of rooms, I started to hear strange noises.

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