Chapter 11: The Validation

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As Ryo and Bob walked through the endless maze of rooms, Ryo couldn't help but wonder when he would validate his manifestation condition. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to do whatever it took to survive and find a way out of the backrooms.

"So, Bob," Ryo said, trying to make conversation. "How did you validate your manifestation condition?"

Bob shrugged. "It's different for everyone. Some people validate it when they're young, while others don't validate it until much later in life. It's all a matter of luck, really."

Ryo nodded, understanding. He knew that he had to be careful and be prepared for anything in the backrooms.

As they continued to walk, they came across a group of strange, humanoid creatures. They were tall and slender, with pale skin and glowing eyes.

Without hesitation, Ryo drew his knife and charged at the creatures. He knew that he had to kill them in order to validate his manifestation condition.

As he plunged the knife into the first creature, he felt a surge of power and pain wash over him. It was as if a part of the creature's existence was merging with his own.

Ryo cried out in agony, but he knew that he had to keep fighting. He couldn't let the pain stop him.

As he killed the last of the creatures, Ryo collapsed to the ground, panting and sweating. He had validated his manifestation condition, and he knew that he would never be the same again.

But despite the pain and the danger, Ryo couldn't help but feel a sense of determination. He had survived the validation, and now he was ready to face whatever the backrooms had in store for him.

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