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Ella stood in front of the mirror and smiled as she looked to her bump. Ella knew that her pregnancy was getting further to the end and she knew that she was worried and she knew that it scared her, Ella didn't know what to think but she knew that she was scared

Nick walked into the doorway as he looked to Ella and smiled "are you okay" he asked  as she smiled

"I'm okay, I am it's just. Weird to think we created this baby isn't it" she asked as nick walked over to her and smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close as he kissed her and smiled 

"I know but it is going to be worth it I mean look at all we have went through so that we can be together and I know it won't be easy, I know it's going to be an effort and I know that once the baby comes that things are only going to get worse and get a lot harder but I don't care as I know that we can do this and I know I will do anything I can for you, for us. It is going to be okay" nick said

Ella turned to face him and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled as he pulled her closer, she looked to him and smirked as he pulled away and smiled

"It's all going to be okay. I know how things are and I know it's a mess but it will be okay, I will do anything for you and I will make sure that it all works out and I know that having a baby isn't going to be easy but we are going to be okay I promise" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and leant in and kissed her

Ella kissed him and smiled as she looked to him. She knew how none of it was easy and how it was a mess but she knew how much she and mick were trying to make t work

Ella walked through the street and smiled as she saw grace and smiled "hey how are things at home" Ella asked as grace looked to her and smiled

"They're okay, they're good it's just not the same I mean i miss you and I know that your not going to be at home forever it's just weird and quiet with it being just me and mum" grace said as Ella looked to her and rolled her eyes

"Are you trying to say I am loud" sje asked as grace looked to her and smirked

"Well" grace said as Ella looked to her and smiled

"It's okay, you don't need to worry. Look things are good with me and with Nick and having this baby, I think it will be making of us and I want to be a good mum and i still want a career and I do want to do what's best for my baby, I just know how nine of it will be east at all" Ella said as grace smiled

"It will be oaky, I mean yeah it's not easy but your trying and acts all you can do and you have nick and I can see how happy he makes you and I know it's still awkward with Nick and mum but I know that For you and for the baby that they will make it work out and everything will be okay, you have nothing to worry over" grace said

Ella looked to her and smiled as she placed a hand on her bump and smiled. Ella hoped that she was right and Ella knew how none of it was going to be easy but she did want to try and make it all work out, Ella knew that she wanted everything to be okay

Ella got to the factory and walked into the office as she saw Carla who looked up at her and smiled "hi mum" Ella said as Carla smiled

"Oh hi baby is everything okay" Carla asked as Ella smiled

"Yeah it's all good. I just wanted to make sure that things are okay, I know we haven't seen each other lately but I am having a baby and your my mum and I know it's awkward with Nick and what happened but I want this baby to be surrounded by everyone they love" Ella said as Carla smiled

"You don't need to worry, everything is fine and it will all work out I promise you it's all going to be okay" Carla said as Ella smiled, Ella hope that she was right

But was everything really going to be okay?

Pregnant by my mother's boyfriend *coronation street*Where stories live. Discover now