Chapter Three - Un-fucking-believable

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~ Evelyn's Pov ~

This is un-fucking-believable.

I go out most nights of the week, looking for something fun and distracting. Distracting from my job specifically. Being a doctor isn't an easy job, especially when you work at Bly.

So it's only expected that I would need something to take my mind off everything. For lack of better words, a stress reliever. And that's what I get most nights. Alcohol, sex, the satisfaction of nothing to worry about.

That's what tonight was supposed to be, that is until she showed up. When I first saw her it took me off guard. Not because she's a hard working lawyer, or even the fact that she has a fucking heart condition and shouldn't be spending her free time drinking. No, what took me off guard was how sexy she looks in that tiny black dress, and how her eyes found mine the second I entered the room.

But of course Sara pulled me out of my little trance. I mean of course May is a good looking woman, anyone with eyes could see that. That doesn't mean I like her or anything, it just means I can appreciate beauty.

I mean I do every night...

She didn't even look at me the whole time Sara and Madison were talking. Where as I don't think I took my eyes off of her, well, at least when Sara wasn't talking to me or wanting something.
A hug. A kiss. Me to touch her. Normally I would want to do all those things and not give a fuck who's watching, but for some reason that wasn't the case when May was the one watching.

After they left I could see them in the main living room dancing. In fact right now I am currently watching some random woman grinding on May like they've meet before. At first it was just a glance here and there, that is until she started touching May and getting very, very close.

Clenching my jaw I look away. Why is this bothering me so much? I just met May, I don't know anything about her. Well, except that she has heart problems. Heart problems the drinking and physically exhausting herself isn't helping. 

Great, now my doctor mode is on.

So much for a stress free night...

Before I know it I'm in front of May and the stranger dancing beside her. I grab Mays arm and pull her away from the crowd, she stumbles onto me but thankfully I catch her before she falls.

"May, look at me, how much have you had to drink tonight?" My tone is stern enough to show her how serious this is. She just looks up at me with her body still moving to the music.

"I'm finneee, why are you here anyways?" Her voice carries some resentment in it, like I've ruined her night by being here.

My bad for trying yo stop her from having an episode, or shit, having a heart attack.

"Are you seriously drunk?" I ask, annoyed at her irresponsibility.

"Annnd, what iff I am? What are you gonna do about it?" Her lips form a smile that almost makes me forget that she's shit faced right now. I grab her arm again, this time it's not so rough though. I manage to get her to my car and into my passenger seat.

Fuck. Why am I even doing this?

I sigh before getting into the drivers seat. "Do you know your address Ms. Heart?" She gives me an irritated look before pulling up google maps and typing in her address.

"I'm not even drunk you asshole." She turns on the radio as I pull out of the driveway and start driving to her apartment.

"Ooppss I did it againnn," She turns the music up louder and starts dancing to it. I look over watching how care free she is. This isn't the woman I met in my office the other day, and it's definitely not the one I met this morning.

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