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Mrs Lia's face gone pale then she said."HOLY MOTHER! how how did you finish and got all the answers right?!?!!" Mr Lia asked while the other students were shocked. i just told her(Well Mrs Lia i read alot of books when i was a kid hehehe. "well thank goodness you were enrolled here there were no smarter students then you here!".After that class was done and we were all going to eat lunch until someone throwed a person out the cafeteria door. i looked up to see who threw him. when i did i saw a country with a red flag and 5 stars on his flag one of them was bigger then the rest.  i looked back at the person and saw he was badly hurt (Mr! are you alright?!) "ughhh ugh it hurts-"  oh no! Mr its ok i will get you to the clinic! "really thanks" "Oi oi! what do you think your doing i need to teach him a lesson!" the man with the red flag said then i told him (well if this is how you teach someone a lesson why don't you do it on yourself) "WHAT!! DID YOU SAY NEWBIE?!" he yelled with anger while the other students just stared (NOTHING! i will just bring this man to the clinic. a hope nothing is wrong) i told him a walked away.

when i got to the clinic he had already passed out so i told the nurse "Mrs. nurse can you please help him..he's hurt very badly." i told her "Of cource dear where is he?" she asked "over here miss" "Alright i'll tend to his aid" "also miss, have fights often happen here?" i asked the nurse sighed and said "yes dear  i don't know why fights would occured so often here" she told me "alright then hope he gets better" i waved goodbye and she did the same. when i was walking through the hallway when i heard someone yelled "PHILIA!!!" i heard Mr.canada yell while running up to me and hugging me thightly  "Oh Philia are you ok? we heard that there was a fight and we wanted to know if your not hurt are you???" "no i'm Mr. canada i'm just fine but another student was hurt. but don't worry he's already at the nurses office." i said with a smile.


i was worried but thank goodness she's alright! "So philia will you help us go to the mall mom told us to buy some stuff." i asked "Of course i would love to help you english brothers!" she said i a big warm smile i treat her like a sister but i can't help buthaving feeling for her suddenly i felt murder's eyes looking at me "now now brother let's go to the mall now we don't want to spend all our time at school now we?"  honestly was scared at my brother's action to me


As the group went to the mall the buy stuff they decided to get some drinks they all were laughing and smiling it suddenly gave a flash back of philia's past more  memorys came back to her as her eyes widened as she remembered people who laughed and smiled as they did in her past. after a while they went home, and philia went to make dinner for the english family as usual she started to zone out while cooking almost burning the food but thank goodness it did not burn the food after a while after eating philia was getting ready to go to bed until she remembered the vision she had when they were in the mall who were those people?, why did they look so familiair? but most importantly who was that old man who put her in this wooden body. in the end she desided to ignore it and go to sleep.

Hey!!! my fellow readers!! i'm really sorry for not posting for so long i was busy going on trips with my cusion and i didn't have time to write and plus my school is tomorrow and my writing time will be limited. i'm really sorry for not updating :(:(:(:(pls forgive me.

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