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We were once a close, like an extremely close family. We had our fights but every night my parents and siblings all would be found sprawled out watching a movie before bedtime.

All that changed when Gem was taken. Our family nights didn't matter. Our bonds were slowly slipping away. Each of us have changed. Some growing distant while others became cold and emotionless. Some became closed off. We slowly drifted from being close to absolute strangers.

All that changed again when mom died. Once she died, everything changed. My emotions became deadly. No one knew when I would blow up. Or if I would smile or laugh. I became distant and the most troubled out of all of us. At times I feel like I was raised more by Ren and Teo than our own damn father.

My angry outburst soon became friends with depression and anxiety. My thoughts never felt like my own. There's moments where I wanted to end my suffering. Then there's moments where I wanted to survive it all.

The moment we got our Gem back was the moment I knew I had to survive. I couldn't let this destroy me. I couldn't let this cause my own family harm like it done me when mother died. I couldn't let myself, well more or less, my thoughts take the coward's way out. Not like my mother. With the ups and the downs. With the reunion with our sister. With everything, I always felt like I was the sibling that was left out of everything. But my thoughts of dying grew stronger with every moment of getting ignored. Yet, my family wanders why I 'act' out. You would too if you felt invisible.


I never knew the struggles I would go through just to live. I didn't realize the emotions would come back tenfold. I didn't realize how hard it would be to fight and survive the battle.

This is my, Lucian Romeo Rossi's, story. This is the story of how I survived. But barely. This is the story where I managed to crawl out of the black abyss and live to tell my story.

The first few chapters will be out in March. Here the description of what is to come in this book. This is again, Lucian's story. His POV on life and well things in general.

Come back March 1st 2023 for the first few chapters. 💜

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