The Races From Hell

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As you can guess, the day of the race has came; here I am debating on what to wear. As my fingers glide through my clothes; they stop at my black hoodie Gem got me a few months ago. The front has a devil with flames. The back has 'The Devil Reincarnated' in red cursive lettering. Without thinking, I pull it from the hanger. In Ole Cian fashion, I pull out my black jean, black tee shirt, and my black combat boots.

Some things will never change.

Like my clothing style.

With my beanie on my head, I walk out of my room and descend the stairs. In true Rossi fashion, everyone is already waiting downstairs. I'm always the last one down; it used to be Gemma always late.... The roles have reversed and now it is I whom is always a few minutes late. I follow behind everyone as we each load up in the cars. Gemma grabs my hand and drags me towards Gianni's truck. Standing beside Gi's truck is Max, Alonzo, Juls, and Gi himself. I guess I will be riding with these goons tonight.

"I have to grab the car trailer. Max and Alonzo grab your cars when I attach the trailer on the truck. Mine's already loaded from last time." Gianni instructs our two brothers.

I watch as the guys head into the garage and disappear. Gem, Juls, and I walk a good distance from the truck. I can hear two cars roar to life, before I could even blink; their cars were already out onto the driveway waiting on Gi to attach the car trailer. The clanking of the truck meeting the trailer catches my attention. In a flash Gi's arm is up signaling both boys to load up. Lonzo loads up his Maserati first. He tends to that car's every little need. After this race I bet my life, he'll be outside the house detailing her again. Max loads up his car. He didn't take his usual car this time. This time he pulled out his Ferrari. He rarely races her, so to see him load her up is shocking. Gi nods his head, telling us to get in the truck. He didn't have to nod twice because I was ready to sit the hell down. Gianni gets in his driver seat, Gemma slides in the center, I slide in beside her. Max, Alonzo, and Julian take the backseats. As we pull off, I notice each of our siblings in their own cars... Cars they use for occasional racing.

This is going to be a long fucking night.

Max always ends up giving us heart attacks in the end.

R.I.P hearts because ours will stop beating.

Halfway through the drive, Gemma has laid her big fat heavy melon on my shoulder. She does her soft snores with didn't bother me. What bothers me is when she jerks. Before I could shift her off my shoulder, she jerks and collides her fist to my chin.

"OOF." Is all the sound I make.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry Cian." Gemma states in horror.

I rub my chin trying to dull the ache. I think I would rather be kicked in the nuts instead of her jerks and bam to the chin. Thirty minutes after her chin check, we pull up at the racing site. Again, this is going to be long ass night. The guys start to unload their trailers as our siblings begin to park around us. First race, we watched Leo and Vin race against a few guys. They smoked their competition; except, Vinny Boy smoked Leo. The next race Val and Niko was up. Again they demolished their competition. Neither one beat their twin, they have tied like always. Matt, Ren, Juls, Gem, Dad, and I aren't racing. The last of our siblings to race is Gi, Lonzo, and Max. The winners of all the races tonight will be racing in the last race of the night. Winner takes all. Seeing as Vin won and Leo didn't; only siblings going into the last race is Vin, Val, and Niko so far.

Gianni blew through his competitors. Meaning he will race in the end. Lonzo won like the rest; well except Leo. Poor guy is still getting picked on. Lastly, is heart attack waiting to happen boy.... Max.

"Maxie Pad!" Gems screams out.

"Why so loud rugrat?" Max whines at her.

"No stupid sh... Stuff dude. I am too young to die from a stroke." Gemma says as she shoves Max.

"Me doing stupid stuff-fff-fff. Nev-eeeee-rrrr." Max jokes. Gems jumps onto Max's waiting backside. Causing Max to chuckle at our sister.

"Be safe." Is all she says as she kisses his temple and hops off his back. I've noticed Gem has stood up close to the line as Gi and Lonzo raced. I'm assuming she'll do the same with Max. In two seconds, she right where she stood for the last two races. Max moves his car to the line and his arm comes pointing out the window. Gem's face lights up, she taps her chest, brings her fist to her mouth and plants a kiss on it. She then takes her fist and points her pointer finger towards a grinning Max.

They have a secret sibling thing?

I guess so.




But who cares?

By the time the small green bandana hit the ground; Max was already out of sight. Tires squealing caused the visibility to be nonexistent. It's the same route the rest of our brothers have taken. Knowing Max, he'll try to cut the time in half. If Gi took fifteen minutes to cross the line; Max would try to make it seven and half. So, if my math is correct Max should be coming into view in about three minutes. I can see Gemma biting at her nails; she's a nervous wreck. Each of us hold a soft spot in her big heart, certain different situations with each of us causes her to have her signature nervous tick. Max racing has always made her nervous. When he crosses the finish line, Gem will run towards her brother. I would bet my life on it; it's in her nature to do so.

Cars come into view, yet Max hasn't came into at all. He isn't in the few cars; he's nowhere around. Gemma looks like she is living in a nightmare. She looks like she's about to break down... A huge break down. As the lotted cars get closer, Max still hasn't shown his face... Well car. Gem is on the verge of tears.

Where are you Max.

I catch the sight of a distinct lavender color Ferrari barreling from the right side, in the grass. If he doesn't turn, he'll collide with the others. I watch as fear creeps into my own bones as the other cars become closer to Max. The very last second, he turns his wheel and cuts off every single car. He comes to a screeching haul over the finish line. Before Max is even out of his car, Gemma is always sprinting like the Devils are on her ass towards his car. As Max step out, Gemma is already launching herself into his arms. She latches on to him like her life depended on it. In all honesty it probably did. The last race where Max, Val, Vin, Gi, Lonzo, and Niko have to race in.... It ended up being a nail biter. In the end Max won the race meaning he won the grand prize of 600,000. Dad places the money into Ren's car. Our older brothers are talking to Dad while Gemma, Julian, Alonzo, Maximus, Gianni, and I are walking back towards the guys cars. The guys need to load them back into the car trailer.

Before we even made it there, my world starts turning dark and I can barely hear our older brothers scream incoherent words. Before my head hit the pavement, I was out like a light.

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