Ending of Vanished Into Thin Air

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My father, brothers, and their trusted men have been making plans the past few weeks. Today they are finalizing their plans. Luckily for me I actually get to sit in this meeting. I get to voice my opinion considering half of these men have no damn logical brain cells. Like none whatsoever! I want to make sure everyone, including the knuckleheads make it out alive. I need my brothers and my papa to stay alive. My brothers need their friends to stay alive. My papa needs his men to stay a freaking live.

So, everyone must stay alive.

"Gemma! The meeting starts in an hour. We're leaving in thirty minutes!" Leonardo yells out from the stairs.

Our meeting is being held in one of Renzo's warehouses. A very secured warehouse at that. Like the building you see on movies and television shows where they have eye scanner and stuff. Renzo's most secured warehouse, this warehouse, to enter you must know a passcode. To move through the halls you must be in their system because they use scanners for eyes, palms, and facial recognition. Guards stay posted by every door entrance. I mean every door entrance. The front has two and once you go through the doors, there's two more inside the door way. It's like that with every door.

"Okay! I'll be downstairs in a minute Fratello!" I scream from my doorway.

Why am I screaming when I'm outside my door? Simply because he yelled back. Plus it'll get on Matty's nerves. He hates when we all scream from different rooms. I don't think he's truly lived just a little. But, I don't think he's truly had a childhood so who am I to judge. Right?

"What is up with the damn screaming?" Matty's voice rings out down the hall.


That's my cue to high tail it back to my room. Matty seems on edge. Usually it takes him at least five minutes to yell back at us. Plus, he said the word damn. He always lectures us on cussing and here he is cussing.

"Isn't that a little hypocritical there Matteo!?!" Vincent screams from his room.

Oh shoot. Where's the popcorn?!

"Vincent Alexander Rossi! It doesn't matter if I fucking cuss! I'm a bloody goddamn adult!" Matty voice booms.

"Language!" Lucian yells from somewhere downstairs.

"I'll show you language when I beat that ass Lucian Romeo Rossi!" Matty seethes out.

"Yeah, okay Matteo Donovan Rossi." Renzo's voice echoes in the house.

Oh snap! Renzo used Matty's whole name!

Is everyone trying to rile Matty up?

"Shut your measly mouth Renzo. Is it rile me up day or something." Matty grumbles.

"Or something!" We all scream out to Matty.

"Get in the car!" Dad's voice roars through the house.

Damn who pissed in his cheerios?

I grab my bag and rush pass Ren, Julian, Niko, Maxi, Gi, and Matty. I skip every other stair and barrel pass Lonzo, Cian, LeeLee, and Vinny. I run out the door and whiz pass my dad.

"Where's the rush Tesoro?" Dad asks.

"Shotgun!" I scream out.

I rush to dad's car and jump into the passenger seat. No way in hell I'm getting sandwich in between two of my sweaty brothers. Nope! I don't think so.!

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