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Davina's pov
December 4th, 12:00pm
"Do you know who it is though?" I ask warily, scared shitless of what he might tell me. "There's multiple dear. You're the boss of a mafia in less than a month. It's no surprise." Fuckfuckfuck. I hide my fear, giving off the most nonchalant voice I can. "Oh. Okay. We'll handle it." I look bring my wide eyes to Kayson's calm ones, hoping for some comforting wave to hit me. My whole body tenses up as I hear my uncle finish what he's saying to me. "Okay, dear. I love you." He hangs up the phone almost as fast as I drop my phone. "I'm so fucking dead, Kayson." He rushes toward my frozen body, trying to pull me back into the reality that I'm hiding from.

"Who do you think it is?" He wraps his arms around me in a comforting hug as he replies. "It's the Russian Mafia you're taking control of, darling. It could be anyone, especially considering you didn't exactly make many friends." My eyes shut at the reality of his words, but stay closed because of the comfort of his closeness. My breathing is rapid and my body shakes furiously. He plants a quick kiss onto my head and caresses the back of my head slowly before breaking the silence. "Listen, love. No one, and I mean no one, will hurt you as long as I'm here with you." I take a deep breath, my breathing still falling short and my body still trembling.

He pulls my head out of his chest before he lifts my chin up to him and starts to blow cold air on my face. The smell of spearmint gum and cigarettes filling my senses. Calming down everything in my body. I flutter my eyes open slowly and take in his features. He's worried, I see it all over his face. He wants me to think he has this under control, but I know he can only do so much with the information we've got. "We've got this, but we've only got this if we have each other, okay? Do not give up on me. We can fight this." I let my head fall back into his chest abruptly as I start to run any possibilities through my mind. "Kayson. What if it's Kylo? I can't kill him, he's the only blood you have left." He lets out a shallow, low laugh as he pulls my head up to his once more. His face just an inch from my own. "Kill him. Or I will. Fuck blood. My family is here." He finishes talking while pointing around the room, insinuating that all of us in this house.. are his family.

I bring my lips to his softly, letting out any fear I have into him, immediately forgetting all of my problems even exist. The kiss turns into a heated make out session in seconds, my hands in his hair, his hands on my ass. He lifts me up quickly, immediately making me wrap my legs around his waist. Just as I'm about to toss my shirt somewhere in the room I hear Willow's voice from the other side of the door. "Knock knock, bitch, I've got a question." I slowly bring my feet to the floor and open the door in just my white, lace bra and my black sweats. "Yes, babe?" She looks back and forth between Kayson and I and throws a hand over her mouth with wide eyes. "I can come back later if I was.. interrupting anything." I pull a smile to my lips and shake my head, reassuring her that I'm okay with her being here right now. "Anyway, I've got a night off work. Want to go to the club with me tonight? Just us." She looks back at Kayson, who's got his eyes on me, piercing them into every inch of my body. "Of course, I'll be ready at five." I shiver, goosebumps growing on every part of my skin at the feeling of his eyes on me. Willow squeals happily and runs out of sight, bringing an even bigger smile to my face.

"You're not going. You know that's a huge risk, right?" My smile drops and my arms cross in front of me, making my boobs pull together even more. I turn around and his eyes fall to my chest as he tries to finish what he was trying to say. "My eyes are up here you horn dog." I groan out annoyingly, lifting the mood again. "Xander and I are going." I smile as if I'm about to agree, but immediately shake my head. "No way. Willow and I need this time together." His eyes narrow and he starts to walk in my direction, expecting me to back down. "You have someone or some people ready to take your life.. and you want to play around with it?" I bite my lip at the tone of his voice and the closeness of his body, not backing down any. "I'm aware. Life's a game though. We all die at some point, we just don't know who it'll be first. Me or them? I guess we'll find out."

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