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I woke up with a pounding headache, a harsh reminder of the indulgences of the previous night

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I woke up with a pounding headache, a harsh reminder of the indulgences of the previous night. The blaring sound of my alarm only worsened the throbbing sensation in my head, and I fumbled to silence it with a groan. Just as I settled back into bed, a persistent knock at the door jolted me awake once more.

Groggily, I stumbled towards the door, confusion muddling my thoughts. Upon opening it, I was greeted by a member of the hotel's room service staff, bearing a tray of food. "Good morning, madam. Your breakfast order," he said with a polite smile.

Perplexed, I stuttered out a response, "Breakfast order? I'm sorry, I didn't order anything."

"It was ordered for this room, Room 506." he says

Feeling a twinge of frustration, I reluctantly stepped aside to let him in, silently acknowledging that arguing over a breakfast delivery wasn't worth the effort. As he placed the tray on the table, I mustered a polite "Thanks," before he swiftly exited the room. Closing the door behind him, I surveyed the spread laid out before me, contemplating whether food was the cure I needed for my throbbing headache.

I gingerly lifted the lid of the tray, revealing a hearty breakfast spread. An omelette filled with spinach and tomato, accompanied by golden hash browns and crisp bacon, greeted me. Freshly brewed coffee awaited in a steaming mug, alongside a small bowl of vibrant fruits. But what caught my attention was a small pill placed next to the coffee, accompanied by a note. Curiosity piqued, I reached for the note, which simply read, "For your headache." A surge of gratitude washed over me as I realised someone had taken the initiative to ease my discomfort.

I couldn't help but feel a mixture of confusion and curiosity as I pondered who could have sent such a thoughtful gesture. Nevertheless, my headache was worsening, and the prospect of relief was too enticing to ignore. With a grateful sigh, I decided to heed the note's advice and indulge in the sumptuous breakfast laid out before me. As I savoured each bite and sipped the comforting coffee, I finally took the pill, hoping it would bring some respite from the throbbing ache in my head.

After finishing my breakfast and taking the pill, I felt a sense of relief washing over me. The combination of food, coffee, and medication worked wonders, gradually easing the pounding in my head. With a contented sigh, I sank back into the plush pillows, grateful for the unexpected remedy that had been provided.

I couldn't help but wonder if Charles was behind this thoughtful gesture. He always had a knack for knowing exactly what I needed, even without me having to say it. The idea brought a smile to my face as I imagined him arranging for the room service and medication, his concern for my well-being touching my heart.

As I was finishing up breakfast, my phone rang, and I saw Giulia's name flash on the screen. Answering with a sense of anticipation, her words quickly dampened my spirits. "Buongiorno Gen, listen unfortunately, I won't be able to join you for the next social media takeover with Carlos," she explained. "So, you'll have to handle it with him alone."

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