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Carlos P

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Carlos P.O.V

As I was slipping on my dress shirt, the familiar sound of my phone's notification broke the silence of my room. Curious, I glanced at the screen to see Charles's name flashing on it and decided to answer.

I was greeted by his familiar voice on the other end. "Hey, Carlos, hope I'm not catching you at a bad time." Charles's voice echoed through the line as I picked up.

"Not at all just getting ready for the party, What's up?" I replied, adjusting the collar of my shirt.

"Could you do me a huge favour and give Geneviève a ride to the party? I'd really appreciate it," he asked, his voice carrying a hint of urgency.

I wasn't entirely sure about this favour. Sure, helping out Charles was important, but giving Geneviève a ride to the party? It could be awkward. We didn't know each other very well, and a car ride often led to uncomfortable silences, which I wasn't particularly fond of. But then again, it was just a ride, right? What harm could it do? Besides, it might be a good opportunity to get to know her better. So, despite my reservations, I agreed to Charles's request. After all, it was just a ride, and I could handle a bit of awkwardness for the sake of being helpful.

"Yeah sure mate." I said, unbuttoning the first few buttons of my shirt.

"Great, mate. I owe you one," Charles replied, his voice filled with gratitude. "I'll text her to be ready in 5." With that, we ended the call, and I couldn't shake off the slight nervousness that crept in. Nonetheless, I was determined to make the best of the situation and provide a pleasant ride for her. With Charles's assurance ringing in my ears, I focused on getting ready, pushing aside any lingering doubts. Satisfied with my appearance, I spritzed a bit of Dior Sauvage cologne, relishing in its familiar scent. With a final adjustment to my hair, I felt confident and prepared for the night ahead.

As I entered the lobby, scanning the bustling area, it didn't take long for my gaze to land on her. Genevieve stood out amidst the crowd, her red dress hugging her curves in all the right places, accentuating her elegance and grace. The colour complemented her complexion, making her radiant and captivating. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders in soft waves, adding a touch of allure to her appearance. With every step she took, she exuded confidence and sophistication, drawing the attention of everyone around her.

As I laid eyes on Genevieve, I found myself momentarily captivated by her beauty. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as I admired her from afar, unable to tear my gaze away. It was as if she possessed an irresistible magnetic pull, drawing me closer with each passing second. My heart skipped a beat as I approached her, feeling a rush of anticipation coursing through me. With each step closer, my pulse quickened, and a sense of nervous excitement washed over me. It was as if the world around us faded into the background, leaving only her presence to fill my thoughts.

"Genevieve." I barely managed to say something. As she turned around, I couldn't help but let my gaze linger on her, taking in every detail of her appearance. From the way her dress hugged her curves to the subtle sway of her movements, she left me momentarily speechless. Brief as the moment was, it felt like time had slowed down, allowing me to appreciate her beauty in its entirety.

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