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Charles' P

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Charles' P.O.V.

On Tuesday morning, we gathered with Giulia, Genevieve and Carlos to brainstorm ideas for our upcoming content. After tossing around several ideas, we settled on an exciting plan: a social media takeover. The concept was simple yet effective - each of us would take control of the team's social media accounts for a day, giving fans a behind-the-scenes look at our daily lives and activities. It promised to be an engaging way to connect with our followers and share some unique insights into the world of Formula 1.

"Absolutely, Geneviève. It's a fantastic opportunity to showcase the dedication and passion that goes into preparing for a race weekend," Giulia said

As we discussed our plans for the social media takeover, I leaned over yo Gen in with a grin. "I'm thinking we start with a bang, Geneviève. How about a live tour of the garage?"

Gen nodded. "That sounds perfect. Fans will love seeing where all the magic happens behind the scenes," I replied, already envisioning the footage we could capture.

"Exactly. And we can share some insights into our race preparations along the way," I suggested.

"Great idea," she  agreed, "And afterwards, we can do a quick Q&A session to answer any burning questions they have for you."

I've always admired Genevieve's intelligence and creativity, which are just a few of the many qualities that draw me to her. We've been friends for such a long time, and over the years, she's become an indispensable part of my life. There's a special connection between us that I cherish deeply.

Despite our strong bond, I can't help but feel a certain attraction to her. However, I've always been hesitant to act on these feelings, fearing that it might jeopardise our friendship.

It's a delicate balance between wanting to express my true emotions and preserving the precious friendship we share. I keep hoping for the perfect moment to reveal my true feelings, but for now, I'll continue to keep them to myself.

"Hey, by the way, are you excited about the party tonight?" I asked.

She smiled at my question, "Absolutely. It's always a good time when the team gets together. Are you looking forward to it?"

I nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely. It's a chance for us to unwind and celebrate before the race," he said, his excitement palpable.

Her presence fills me with an inexplicable warmth, and every interaction leaves me yearning for more. It's not just physical attraction but a deep admiration for the person she is – her wit, her passion, her unwavering authenticity. Despite my reservations, I find myself drawn to her in ways I can't fully explain.

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