Chapter 94

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In this lifetime, Y/n was destined to succeed in front of millions of eyes.

And he...was destined to be the person to make it happen...

As for everything else, Baek-hyun looked at Taehyung with a deep expression. He didn't understand why, in the past, when he was the head of PR and fought multiple battles for Kim Entertainment, he had never felt excited or successful even though he was practically invincible. Yet, ever since Y/n appeared, a mix of emotions had finally been triggered!

Because, every single time that Y/n required PR, the situation would be like a rollercoaster ride, especially at this very moment, as he stared at this intelligent man. It was almost like he was setting a huge trap in a game of chess and everyone was anticipating his next move...

So, was Yang Xi living under the surveillance of Kim Entertainment? Of course, it was all just made up in her mind. Especially after looking into Kim Taehyung's eyes, it was impossible for her to forget the coldness that seemed to be emanating from his dark pupils.

So, after returning to Korea, she stayed at a hotel owned by Kim Entertainment and assumed that she was being watched over by them. She also believed that she was being held captive by them. But, in reality, she was just scaring herself.

She continuously tried to think of a way to 'escape' from Kim Taehyung's control and to fight back. In the end, she finally 'sneaked out' by climbing down the third floor pipes...

In reality, there had never been anyone guarding over her door. The hotel staff was merely accompanied by two bodyguards whenever he delivered her food, and that was enough to make Yang Xi assume that her every move was under surveillance.

This was all a mind-game deliberately created by Kim Taehyung.

So, as soon as Yang Xi 'escaped', she gave her man a phone call. Afterwards, she also gave the media a phone call. She cried as she claimed that she barely escaped with her life, that Kim Entertainment was a corrupt agency and that Kim Taehyung was a devil.

"I simply invited Miss Park for a chat. I thought, since we were both so far away from home, she was bound to be a little scared. But, Kim Taehyung used this opportunity to threaten me into withdrawing from the Fei Tian Awards and forced me to hand the award over to Y/n."

"Because of this, he slapped me. And to satisfy his greed, he held me captive. But, I refused to buckle..."

"He locked me in a hotel room and got two bodyguards to watch over me. It wasn't easy for me to sneak out through the window while no one was looking..."

In front of the cameras, Yang Xi looked exhausted. Her eyes were swollen red, like she had suffered from serious mental abuse. Her appearance ignited the sympathy of the public.

"It wasn't really wasn't easy for me to escape!" after saying these words in between sobs, Yang Xi knelt on the ground and broke down in tears.

"Oh God, if this is the truth, then there's definitely something wrong with Kim Entertainment."

"Kim Taehyung should be punished for treating a woman like this."

"I never thought that Kim Entertainment was so dirty and immoral. What a surprise!"

"Seeing how pitiful Yang Xi is, she must be telling the truth..."

That night, multiple camera flashes were directed at Yang Xi. From the head of the street until the end, the mountain of black camera was a result of her pitiful cries.

After returning home, Yang Xi quickly transformed into her usual self. She was no longer the weak and pitiful woman that appeared in front of the cameras.

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