Chapter 25: Magical Restriction On Vampires

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Anubis woke up a few hours later, still sprawled on the sandy desert. 

Luckily, his self-regeneration ability meant he had no need for max health potions and elixir potions to restore his magical power, which are commonly used by the lesser race of players, including the human race to keep themselves going in RPG Fantasia. 

He got up from the cold, sandy desert, brushed off sand from his armor, took off his dog mask, and surveyed the entire situation. 

The vampires and the private army of Fenrir caused serious damage to Anubis's soldiers, with many dead and injured, but he felt reassured by the fact that they failed to breach through the doors of the Pyramid. 

It's not a problem for Anubis, however, as he can just as easily raise a fresh batch of troops  and turn them into battle hardened veterans. 

He still had trump cards he hadn't revealed yet, like his elite chariot troops that he equipped with weapons of stainless steel and gave them a high-tech chariot to use and ride on, and a team of highly skilled sorcerers who could conjure up an entire troop of undead in battle, thanks to the assistance of the Necromancer Guild. 

The vampires suffered heavy casualties themselves, and the battle ended in a decisive draw, with the vampires failing to get what they wanted to get, the Wadjet amulet and the Book Of The Dead, which he stored in an underground chamber underneath the Pyramid. 

The underground chamber is hard to access, as the pathway to the underground chamber is booby-trapped with curses and hexes. 

A pair of ferocious hyenas lurked at the end of the pathway, and they had to be either killed or tamed into submission before entering through the door of the underground chamber.

Recordings of eerie music from the spirits of mummified musicians also buried along with the tomb of a great king at the underground chamber could be heard playing right at the door of the chamber, while the chamber door is locked with an ancient magical puzzle written in hieroglyphs. 

Once the door is unlocked, open tombs could be found, with the eerie music playing louder from the open tombs. Right at the end of the chamber, sinister laughter in a rattling voice mixed with the moans of ghosts could be heard all over the chamber, where the body and soul of King Tutankhamun is  buried in perfect condition. 

A sign read at the tombstone, 

"Welcome, intruder, and retrieve the Book Of The Dead and Wadjet amulet at your own risk. May you survive Tutankhamun's Curse."

He knew the reason why Lilith wanted both items so badly. 

It is because he instructed his female assistant and a confidant, an elite paladin/sorcerer class player named Astarte to put a permanent handicap on the vampires led by Lilith, to limit, if not remove their magic powers completely when he sensed that a permanent rift  and fighting between the two factions was inevitable.

He lent The Book of The Dead and the Wadjet Amulet to Astarte to make it easier for her to limit the magic power of the vampires. 

The Book of The Dead contained a powerful magic sealing spell that when paired with the Wadjet Amulet, and under the skilled hands of any mage/sorcerer that dabbled in dark magic, could effectively seal off up to 80% of the magic power of the vampires.

Astarte accepted the task, and set to work. 

However, a setback happened after Astarte finished, as the scope of the spell didn't include primordial vampires such as Lilith, and hybrids. 

Knowing fully well that Lilith will get angered by his move, and deeply pained by his betrayal, he immediately switched to the faction of Morrigan without a second thought. 

He knew that Lilith would one day figure out the reason behind all of these, and try to undo the limit placed on pure vampires, so he had an underground chamber built beneath his pyramid, and placed hard to penetrate and spooky security features on the underground chamber. 

His mind eventually came back to the present time, and after he finished regeneration, he removed his dog mask, shrank himself to the size of a 5 '9 man, then disappeared from the desert and returned to the top of the Pyramid. 

After he returned to the Pyramid  he took off his armor, and placed the dog mask on the table. 

He felt hungry, so the Game Administrator chatted with his head cook, and decided to have Egyptian dishes brought up to the top of the Pyramid. 

"Bastet, this is Anubis speaking. I'm feeling rather hungry right now. I'll have the typical Egyptian dishes brought up to the top, pronto." 

Anubis typed through the in-game chat. 

"I got another idea, sir. We're all in the dining room right now, about to eat our meal before we resume our duties. Why don't you come down, and join us, your humble servants, for a meal, just like in the past? We've reserved your seat for you, as always, sir. "

"Ugh, whatever, fine then. I'll come down. I hope you prepared only the finest dishes and drinks." 

"Of course, we make it a point to prepare your favorite dishes whenever we invite you for a meal. We'll be waiting." 

Anubis disappeared from the top floor of the Pyramid, and reappeared again in the dining area of the Pyramid, which is situated in the middle floor.

He reappeared right at the front seat of the dining table, nearly making his servants jump in surprise. 

He scanned the dining table. It was packed and bustling. 

"It's a miracle you guys managed to make all these dishes right on time." 

He commented, which made his chief cook, Bastet, a handsome Egyptian man in his 30s wearing ancient clothing, laugh out loud. 

"It's thanks to the innovations and advanced technology that you introduced to us, sir Anubis. Anyway, let's dig in and eat." 

Anubis remained silent, for it's true that it was him who introduced them to advanced technologies, and gave them an easier way of doing their needed chores. 

He looked over at the abundant dishes and drinks on the table, namely Egyptian dishes such as shawarma, baked sweet potato, basbousa, pigeon, kebab and kofta, tamiya, and Ful Medames. 

He then picked up his plate, filled it with food, filled his glass with alcohol, then started to eat and drink, while laughing and talking with his servants. 

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