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She arrived back to her house. She was right about her hunch. Morizono had already left.

Y/n stared at the paper on her table and scoffed "he had the guts to tell me he doesn't like my idea but yet did it to me" she held the paper in her hand

"I'm going to hunt the the king of spades, if I die don't you go ballistic

I have already cheated death, I wouldn't be surprised if I actually die this time

You take care


"Eugh... So plain" she mumbles but smiled either way

"Just like me who is boring and plain..." She mutters before crumpling the paper and throwing it to the trash

"As if you'll die, you got shot and almost got suffocated back at the beach, as if" she kept her hopes high.

"Now... Should I go to another game?" She walked into her room and found one more note "don't go to another game" she read out loud. She was astounded "am I that predictable to my brother? Is this blood power?" She sighs

"Now what... I can't just stay here" she looked around "My friends could be dying out there, I don't want that..." She mumbled. Just then she noticed a bump on her bed, underneath the blanket.

She walked over moving the blanket over. Her eyes widened. Canvas, brushes, paints and a lot more of a set was on the bed.

Her hands delicately touching the items on her bed, as if it was some historical item obtained, she was so careful with inspecting.


She, her brother, Kuina, Chishiya, Usagi, Arisu and his friend whose faces she barely remembered and the woman Shibuki who was doing her best to be alive.

Ann and Tatta who she barely talked to but respected and kindly treated, Hatter who she always beared with just for her brother, Niragi who she knew was twisted because of a reason, Banda and Yaba, Urumi who she found interesting and Ippei who she was too late to help.

She was painting faces on the canvas she had, fitting every face she could in the limited surfaces.

She stood up looking at the work she's been doing for two days. A leisure to keep her mind far from the truth of her life.

She had gotten better with handling her anxiety and she was happy, she couldn't wait to tell Kuina about it "I need to go soon... I don't have any more space to paint on anyways" she changed her paint filled hoodie and sweats.

There was a jacket on her table. White and clean with a hood, she had found it at the mall a day before and it reminded her of one and only shitty male, so she took it.

She wore the jacket, spaghetti strap underneath as she opened the zipper enough for her chest to be shown "Why am I even copying" she clicked her tongue but either way wore a smile while she looked at herself on the mirror

"Fucking Shuntaro..."


She sat in the middle of the road, on top of a car while she waited for someone to pass by. She kept looking at the high flying King of Spades symbol.

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