Richard Grayson

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"Bruce!" The whole Batfam yelled
"Yes?" Bruce answered while sipping on the coffee that Alfred made for him a while ago.
"Who's the favorite kid?" Dick yelled
"I don't have favorites"
"Yes you do. It's obviously golden boy over here." Jason said pointing at Dick
"No I'm not" dick glared at Jason
"Well the answer goes to the Old Man over here" Jason stopped pointing at Dick and now was pointing at Bruce.
"Dicks not the favorite." Bruce said while sipping on his coffee
"WHAT?!?" The whole batfam yelled, except for Dick. Who knew the reason why.
"Told you so."Dick said rolling his eyes
"Than tell us how he isn't the favorite!" Stephane yelled
//Time Skip//
*In The Past*
"Welcome to your new house master Dick" Alfred said. He gave him a tour of the whole house. Except for the bat cave.
"Wow! This is so big!!" Dick said in excitement.
//The Next Day//
"Dick. Dick where are you" Bruce said. It was 9:00 am in the morning and it hasn't even been 24 hours since Dick has been here and he has already lost him. So he went to go ask Alfred. "Alfred, do you know where Dick is?"
"I believe he is on the chandelier sir." Alfred said calmly
"HES ON THE WHAT!" Bruce yelled and ran over to the chandelier.
"Dick get down"
"Fuck you" he said
"What did you say?" Bruce glared
"You know what you did."
"What did I Do?"
"I heard you say last night that, I was only here to be a charity's case." Dick choked
"Dick... I didn't mean it like that. Please, come down here."
"Dick." He said in a stern voice
"Fine" dick pouted while using is acrobat to get down. He walked towards Bruce.
"Now as I was saying-" Bruce was cut off. The chandelier broke off from the roof and fell. It shattered; and it wasn't any chandelier. It was his parents. "..." Dick ran for his life.
//Time Skip//
*In Present Time*
They were all left speechless.
"Grayson did that?" Damian asked
"AND HE SWORE!" Jason and Cass yelled at the same time.
"Yes" Bruce said before taking another sip of his coffee. They all looked at Dick.
"I told you I wasn't the favorite" Dick said looking the other way and whistling.
394 Words

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