Chapter 11 - Notice

866 29 4

Normal Convo


Mind speaking, Mind Talking

Ghosts Speaking

Random shit

(author's comments) <== Mind this!

This chapter is compressed because there are some parts that are a bit irrelevant, but I suggest To read the manga.

Source: – 67%

Eden Academy

Teacher: and so... The answer to this problem is.... Anya forger?

Anya stands up with a smile of confidence


Anya: Three thirds!

Betty: Eh?

Damian: Huh?

Teacher: Anya Forger..... That is incorrect in every possible way.

Anya: Bruh.

The school bell rang outside the campus and marks the end of Anya’s Peanut Brain segment. Now to Twilight..

At the café, the Handler are currently checking the situation..

Handler: Can we expect an improvement in your daughter’s academic performance? We would like you to aim for Acquiring Eight Stella Stars within the next four months.

Loid: F-four months.. heh, yes that... Should be no problem.  

Handler: You used to be a much better liar, Twilight..

Twilight: Eight tonitrus bolts in two months should be doable though..

Handler: Anyway, moving on. This morning, our informant at City Hall was taken out. They’re patching the security holes left and right... Be careful Twilight, now we’ll know even less about where the enemy’s eyes are both around the city and within Eden Academy. The counterintelligence Agency in this country is no joke.

The State Secret Service went to a room and one individual showed his ID.

? : State Security Service. Jim Hayward? You’re being detained on being suspicion of Espionage..

Jim: E-espionage? Are you out of your minds?!

The secret service yanks Jim out of the Office, that also caused some commotion in the surroundings and fear in between.


A Bit of a timeskip


Sharon: Apparently, the guy worked in finance just so happens to be selling office records to someone.

Yor: What a horrible man!

Millie: Awww. I wish they could’ve dragged away our section chief instead.

The Section chief was shocked hearing that. After that, Camilla walks in to meet with her friends.

Camilla: Morning.

Millie: Oh! Good morning.

Yor: *bows* Good morning Camilla.

Camilla: Oh! Yor, that’s right.. My boyfriend ran into your brother yesterday. Have you seriously still not told him that you got married?

Yor’s two braincells are trying to understand the sentence, but A few seconds later she finally understand.

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