Chapter 4: Old Friend

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A rather small, but still impressive space ship of sorts, dawned in Pure-Blue and White, on a large landing deck, began to take flight, seeming to leave the planet itself was on. Several soldiers and other Military Officers were running or pacing through the halls of the ship, trying to get to their stations in time.

In one of the larger hallways, President Venizelos of Hellas, and Emmet's father was walking to the Command Center of the bridge, many loyal Republican guards standing at his side.

"Hopefully we're able to rescue my son, his wife, or any other of our Allies before they walk into this catastrophe." He said, great worry and concern in his voice.

"Sir!" One of the pilots of the ship sounded. "We may seem to have something, Mr. President."

"Good work Ensign, what is it?" Venizelos congratulated the pilot, before continuing to listen.

"We're receiving a transmission of sorts from Syspocalypstar, sir. From the looks of it, the specific location is a large plain of grasslands, a little far from the main city of their Capital Planet. On top of that, a very strange ship is entering our current area, and is requesting to let them on board."

"What are your orders than, sir?" Another guard asked his superior.

Venizelos thought a moment. If they were getting a signal of distress of sorts, that could only mean two things. 1: Emmet and Lucy were alright, and were in need of help to stop the False King, Todmesser. Or, 2: it could be a trap to lure them all back under his thumb.

But then, another thought came to him. Who was this mysterious ship asking for entry in his own Light Cruiser? Could it be a friend? An Ally? Or even another enemy trying to sneak on board. There were too many theory's to go through.

The last week or so had not been kind to Venizelos, or the rest of the Hellenic Republic.

Ever since he and his many supporters escaped that fateful, but thankfully bloodless day two weeks ago, regaining their memories, removing their inhibitor chips, and remembering all the things Heinz Todmesser had done, they had been trying to avoid being found out they knew the truth, and couldn't risk an invasion from his army of Robots and Micromanagers.

Not to mention, after hearing Emmet may have been dead, and his wife, Lucy had been brainwashed, Venizelos could have lost all hope in that moment, thinking his son was gone, and his Lover, the toughest woman their was, under some kind of magic spell.

But, in his heart... He knew they were out there, alive and well. Knowing the two Lovebirds were working side by side to Liberate their home from that pretender. He just knew it.

After a moment of silence to think, Venizelos decided he needed to act fast. That's why he went with what both his mind, and gut were telling him. He moved up to the control panel of the ship, about to state his next orders to his men.

"Alright, I've made a decision." Venizelos finally said. "Allow this ship's pilot to come aboard. Perhaps he could be of some help... Colonel, take your best men on the ship, and come with me to the hanger. We have a potential Ally to meet."

"Yes sir!" An Officer behind Venizelos saluted, before walking off.

"As for you, my friends," He turned to the pilots. Prepare to jump to those coordinates where the distress signal is coming from. We're going to get to the bottom of this." He stated calmly, but firmly.

"Yes, Mr. President!" The pilots uttered, before returning to their stations, making the preparations to make the journey back to Syspocalypstar.


In the main hanger of the ship, Venizelos and a large armed guard of his most loyal soldiers were standing in front of the landing pads, waiting for the mysterious ship to land, carrying this stranger.

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