Ch. 2

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Instead of walking, I run down the hallways to the Host Club. After a while, I find Honey and Mori walk into the music room.

"Honey! Mori! Wait up!" They both look at me, and Honey smiles and waves. When I catch up to them, I smile and Honey jumps onto my back. I carry him inside, and set him down next to Mori. I kneel down so that I'm at his height.

"Why don't you go gets some cake for us? I bet Usa-chan would love some." He gasps in excitement and runs over to the dessert table. I stand up straight and look at Mori. He has one hand in his pocket, and give me a little smile.

"Thank you, Yuki. He really likes you. You should come more often." After that, he walks to join Honey on the couch. Honey waves me to come over and I walk to him.

When I sit down, he puts a big slice of chocolate mousse cake in front of me. I take a small bite, and surprisingly liked it. I've never had a sweet tooth and this cake is so rich and disgustingly sweet. It's not bad though. Haruhi comes over and starts talking to us. We start having a huge conversation, Mori saying less.

I've been friends with the Host Club for a while, and know Haruhi's secret. They trusted me last year, and I haven't told a soul. I'm just glad they do trust me with something like that. With them knowing that I could tell anyone. Especially the girls. But, I guess I'm just not that kind of person. Besides, who would be that kind of person; ruin someones reputation just to get revenge. Then again, these boys are so perfect, what could they have possibly done to hurt you. I mean, besides take your newspaper glory.

Anyways, about 10-20 minutes passed, and then came a huge pack of girls squealing in. My eyes widen in amazement as the mob of hormonal teenage girl came hoarding in. When Honey's fans came over, they looked at me. One of them asked what I was doing. She was smiling, but I can feel her annoyance and jealousy.

"Um... sorry. I didn't meant to-"

"It's ok, girls. She's just a friend." Honey interrupted. I look back at him and he winked. I'm so glad Honey's a good liar. If he wasn't, then I would be attacked by some angry girls. I nod back at them, then started gathering my things once more.

I finally got passed the girls, and was free from the not-so-abandoned music room. When I passed a corner, I sit down on the floor, my back to the wall. I think back to yesterday and what Tamaki said. I know I shouldn't dwell on this, but I just can't stop thinking about it. When most boys flirt with me, it's just a 'you're pretty' this and 'you're pretty' that. With Tamaki, he was a gentleman and romantic. But I know it's not real. When you're in a Host Club, you can't get attached. If only that wasn't the case. 

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