Ch. 3

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Now I know why Tamaki doesn't like me. I'll tell you everything. It all started this morning.

**Flash back **

  As usual, I went to the Host Club before it opened. I was going to ask Tamaki to the upcoming dance. Before I had a chance, the Host Club opened for business and girls crowded Tamaki. I just decided to leave and ask him during lunch.


I find him at his regular table at lunch, girls around their table. They admire them as if their some new jewel at a jewelry store. (Though they do seem like that.) Anyways, I go up to him and asked to speak privately with him.

We walk to the pond, and I stand closely to him. I know that he's just going to say no but it's worth a try.

"Um... Tamaki. You know about the dance, right?" He nods. And now, the hard part. " was wondering if... you are going... with anyone?" I stutter. His eyes widened.

"Um... are you asking me to the dance?" I nod. "Well, it's not a surprise. No one can be as perfect as me." Then he started going on and on about his perfection. Then finally, the answer.

"I'm sorry, Yuki. I don't have a date, and though you are beautiful to an extreme, no. I can't." I look down then up. I smile, pushing my feeling all the way down to my feet.

"No, no. That's ok. I understand, really." I fight back tears and turn around and leave.

** End of Flash back**

I knew he didn't like me in that way. Why would someone like him like me anyways?

I end up having a pity party by the pond at the end of school. Other girls would pass by and sicker, as boys would stare. I looked at one of the boys, who I recognized as no other than Tamaki. He looked at me, but looked another way, a guilty look on his face.

I look away, and a tear squeezed from my eye, but I brush it off fast. A loud yell calls my name. Looking up, I see Honey and Mori. I suppress a smile as he approaches me.

"Hey, Yuki-chan! What's up? I heard that you asked Tau-chan to the dance. What did he say?" Honey says smiling. My smile disappeared, I kneel down and hug him. I cry in his shoulder.

Yuki and the Host ClubWhere stories live. Discover now