Ch. 6

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When I wake up in the morning, Tamaki's back is facing me and I'm snuggled up against him. He still seems to be asleep. Since I really don't want to wake him up, I decide to lay here and actually go over what happened last night. Everything went as planned. I mean, except the part where Tamaki took me to him home and kissed me. Oh crap... my parents. The only thing they know is that I'm at Honey's house. I frantically look at the clock. The red digital numbers glare at me as they read 11:30 a.m. They are getting me at noon.

"Shit." I mumble. I shake Tamaki awake and he moans at me. "We need to get me back to Honey's. My parents are getting me at noon and it's 11:30." I shake him again and he sits up slowly. "Come on. Get dressed." I throw the blanket off of me and I wait for Tamaki to get dressed. When I look at the clock again, it's 11:38 a.m. 

Tamaki takes my hand and leads me to the doorway. Considering we only had about 22 minutes to get back to Honey's before my parents, we run. I still don't have shoes on and little rocks sting my feet. The last thing I need is to get glass stuck in my foot. Then my parents will wonder why I was running towards Honey's home. Why I wasn't there in the first place. I would be screwed.

Luckily, I don't get mutilated by glass, and instead reach Honey's house. We are out of breath and my legs and lungs hurt. Tamaki opens the door and lets us in. Mori sits at the kitchen table with a coffee mug in his hand. Tamaki nods at him and he looks at me. He smiles and kisses me passionately. I take it in as if it was going to be the last moment we had together. When we pull away, he is already heading for the door. I don't want him to leave, but I know what my parents would do if they saw three boys instead of the two I promised. The only reason I could stay here was because I told them they were gay, but that's not the point. Honey offered comfort, and I took it. 

Anyways, Honey runs down the stairs and lightens up when he sees me. I walk over to him and he hugs me tightly. When he looks up at me, his eyes are filled with worry. He knows where I was. Why does he look scared?

"I'm glad you're back, Yuki-Chan. I thought you weren't going to make it and your parents took you home. I though--" Honey says frantically.

"What? Honey, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Tamaki took good care of me." Really good care of me. ((If you catch my drift, readers)) When the doorbell rings, a maid runs to get it. My mom stands in the doorway and looks inside the house in amazement. Then she sees me and Honey hugging. She smiles, but that's not an approving smile. It's a tight, forced smile. One that means that I should stop what I'm doing and get the hell in the car. "Hey, mom. Let me just get my stuff and we'll be on our way. Kay?" I say nervously. I know she's going to yell at me in the car. And I will have to convince her what I said was true and beg her not to tell dad. 

I run up the large staircase to get my things and when I return to my mom, she's still standing in the doorway, smiling her tight smile. I say bye to Mori and Honey, and I leave to face my mom. As we walk to the car, my mother stays silent. She's waiting to get in the car, as she always does, and is going to make sure no one hears her yell. Once the doors shut and the car starts, my mom starts to speak.

"Now... Yuki. I let you go into an expensive, beautiful, and opportunistically induced school. If you want to make friends, you can make them. But telling me that you are spending the night with two of them that you claim are sexually different only to find one of them all over you, is not my idea of being serious about school and your life choices." She says tensely. I hang my head low, as I always do.

"Mom, they are though. And he wasn't all over me, he is just a hugger--"  I say quietly. I feel weak and low. This was suppose to be a good weekend. Now I'm being yelled at by my mother.

"I don't give a rat's ass about what he is!" She screams. "I am going to tell your father and you aren't going to leave this house until you move out! You hear me? Until you move out!" She bangs the steering wheel with each syllable of the last sentence. I feel tears come but I push them back. I shouldn't let her kick me while I'm down, so I'm not going to cry. The last time I cried in the car, she made me walk home. She apologized, but I still haven't forgotten.  I have adapted to this life-style, and I should just live with the fact that crying is bad. 

"I'm sorry, mom. I didn't mean to--"

"Just shut the hell up. We can deal with this later. Right now, I just want you to shut up and let your father talk to you. I have had enough of you already." She says quietly. "I'm also going to talk to those boys about last night. You'd better hope to God the stories match up." I nod and keep my head down the whole time. 

When we pull up into the driveway, my heart beats faster. I'm scared of what my dad will do when he hears that I was hugging a boy. I was surprised he let me go. My only guess was that he now trusted me, but now, he's never going to let me go back to school. 

Mom opens the door, and my father sits on his large, brown recliner. A sports game is on the TV and a beer in his hand. He's been drinking again. Three empty bottle sit next to him on the tiny wooden table next to the chair. If he's intoxicated, I'm going to get the worst of it. 

"Go upstairs. Me and your father have some things to talk about." My mom points up the stairs and I walk quickly to my room, my head staying low. I shut my door and hear my parent's voices, muffled by the door. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" my father yells. I hear the heavy thumps of footsteps coming up the stairs. They come right to my room and the door flies open. My dad stands in the doorway, sweaty and his face red with anger. He points a fat finger at me and he searches for words.

"You are in big trouble, young lady." he says sternly. My stomach turns and I brace myself for the first blow. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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