For Abby: Sam Pottorff

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"What do you want?" You grumbled fumbling with the strap of your purse. You wanted to pepper spray this kid so badly, maybe then he would stay away.

"Abby just hear me out!" He called out from behind you, signaling for you to stop.

"What do you need Pottorff?" You asked angrily, turning around so now you both were face to face.

"I just want to apologize." He said looking down at his sneakers. Wait apologize, you though, I might just stay to listen.

"What for? Huh? Is it for what you did yesterday, or the day before, or how about the day before that!" You accused getting angry all over again. Sam and a few if his friends had been pranking you, then as if it wasn't bad enough posting it on YouTube.

"For everything I've ever done to you. I just want to say I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" You signaled like a mother. He chuckled,

"Sorry for offending a beautiful, smart and sometimes nice to me girl." You blushed as he kissed your cheek and whispered into your ear.

"Extremely sorry."

"Sorry enough to buy me icecream?" You asked quivering your lip a bit.

"Maybe not that sorry.." He said, his voice trailing off and his hand reaching for the back of his head. You punched his arm playfully letting out a small giggle.

"Okay okay we'll get icecream, but on one condition." He paused as if he was thinking then continued.

"As long as you consider it as a date." He finished, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red.

"But first you have to seduce me with sugar." You replied happily. He smiled letting all the tension drop. Then you walked hand in hand to the ice cream shop, and for the first time, you were happy with him.

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