Chapter 2

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No PoV

It was very early morning in the city of Tokyo, the sun was barely rising and not a lot of people are out on the streets, except for the Shinsengumi siblings who were standing on the platform on the train station, after only a day Kagerou's older sister Kokone decided to continue the rest of her vacation back at their home in the country side together with their parents and youngest sister.

"The train is about to arrive soon, you should probably head back soon, you have work in a few hours right?" Kokone asked as she slung her bag on her shoulder.

"Yeah... thanks for coming sis, I hope you have a great vacation." Kagerou said as he hugged his suster.

Kokone smiled as she hugged him back tightly.

"I will, and you, try not to work too hard ok, taking care of yourself is essential as well." Kokone said as the 2 broke the hug.

"I almost forgot... here, this is for you." Kokone said as she took out a knife from her back and handed it to Kagerou.

"Is this... a Neito tactical knife?" Kagerou asked as he looked at the blade.

"It is, its also an army staple, had my friend from the weapons division give me one to give to you, don't worry it was all very legal

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"It is, its also an army staple, had my friend from the weapons division give me one to give to you, don't worry it was all very legal." Kokone said.

"Thanks sis." Kagerou said with a smile.

"Anything for you little bro... oh? Looks like my train is here... call us after work?" Kokone said as the train behind her came to a halt.

"I will, say hi to mom and dad for me, and make sure you don't spoil Kurumi too much." Kagerou said.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry... well see ya little brother." Kokone said as the doors to the train closed.

Kagerou only smiled and gave a 2 finger salute as the train left the station.

Kagerou then looked at the knife in his hand and placed it back to its sheath as he placed it inside of his jacket as he began to walk on home.

A few hours later

Currently we see Kagerou inside Haneda Airport holding a sign that says 'Shinsengumi Kagerou' and and arrow that was pointing at himself, he was there to pick up 20 girls who annoyingly booked all their flights all at the same day.

"I get why I need to pick up Holo ID... but why the heck do I need to pick up MYTH, Irys, and Council, couldn't they just teleport straight to the office building?" Kagerou asked himself.

Soon he heard a very annoying but lovable laugh as a familiar'guh' was heard in the tunnel, Kagerou shook his head and lifted the sign up, soon about 20 girls came out of the tunnel, the first one to notice Kagerou was a girl with messy red and greyish hair.

"AH! KAGE-CHAN!" She yelled as she ran towards they boy who caught her and spun her around, soon the entire group walked towards Kagerou with their bags in hand.

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