Chapter 4

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3 days later

HoloFES was rapidly approaching and all the talents from both HoloLIVE and HoloSTARS are hard at work preparing for their performances, the staff as well were all hard at work, A-chan and Yagoo were busy with the promotion of the event, while Nadoka and Kagerou were also busy promoting the event online, Kagerou and Nadoka we're currently doing a live show talking about HoloFES.

"So which performances are you excited for senpai?" Kagerou asked his supervisor.

"Ehhh? Don't put me on the spot like that... but... if I did have to answer, based on their rehearsals, I might say Kiara-san and Moona-san are the ones I am excited to see." Nadoka replied.

"That makes sense both of them are amazing singers AND dancers, I bet chat is excited for them as well." Kagerou said.

Chat then erupted with both moon emoji and chicken emojis while spamming Kiara, moona, or their favourite artists, but one comment stood out as well.

Pomu Rainpuff [Nijisanji EN]: I can't wait for the live shows, I wanna see Kiara-chan dance!

"Ehhhh? It's Pomu-san, hi Pomu!" Nadoka said as chat also noticed the green fairy from HoloLIVEs sister company Nijisanji.

"Ah Pomu-san hello, thank you for watching, yes I am also very excited as well!" Kagerou replied.

The chat once again sped up happy to see Pomu Rainpuff, the first one to collaborate with the EN branch of HoloLIVE.

Pomu Rainpuff [Nijisanji EN]: How about Kagerou-san, who are YOU excited for?

Pomu asked once again as chat began also wondering the same thing.

"Yes, I wanna know as well, who are you excited to see perform Kagerou-kun." Nadoka asked.

"Hmmm... all of them are all wonderful, but I can't betray my boys, lets go TEMPUS!" Kagerou replied excitedly.

Magni Dezmond [Holostars EN]: Heck yeah, that's our Honorary member, LEZ GO!

Banzoin Hakka [Holostars EN]: You the man Kage! 3 cheers for the Tempus Guild spy! Hip hip hooray!

The chat once again erupted into cheers as 2 members of the TEMPUS guild dropped by to say hello, many of the chat were shocked to hear that Kagerou was an honorary member of the guild.

"What does Magni-kun and Hakka-kun mean?" Nadoka asked.

"Oh yeah, remember when TEMPUS debuted? I was assigned to help them during their first week, all 8 of us became really close and Bettel-kun jokingly said, that I should be an honorary member... Altere-kun kinda took that to heart and sent me a guild card the next day... so yeah turns out I am a secret character." Kagerou replied.

"Ehhh? Then introduce yourself like how TEMPUS does it, hurry! Do it in English as well." Nadoka said.

"Ehhh? Do I have to?" Kagerou asked.

The chat then spammed 'Yes' and 'hurry up and do it' again and agin.

"Ok ok... ahem... Hello everyone my name is Kagerou Shinsengumi, honorary member and spy/field agent of the TEMPUS guild, it's nice to meet you!" Kagerou said with a blush.

"Waaahh! Amazing!" Nadoka replied.

The chat was amazed and for a split second saw Kagerou slashing down enemies with his trusty weapons ready to relay all forms of information to the guild.

"I even have a guild card, sadly it's at home, it's framed by the way, hehe." Kagerou replied.

"Waaah that's amazing, maybe we should ask management to make you a model fitting of your role." Nadoka replied with a smile.

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