~Chapter eleven: the final test~ (Hiccup)

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   The grounds have been transformed. Banners and flags blew in the morning sun. Surrounding the ring, a festive crowd had gathered. All of Berk had turned out for the event, making me all the happier that I had asked Jenny to stay away from Berk today.

"Well, I can show my face in public again!" laughter and applause erupted from the stands at the sound of my fathers voice. "If someone had told me that in a few short weeks, Hiccup would go from being, well... Hiccup, to placing first in dragon training... I would've tied him to a mast and shipped him off for fear he'd gone mad." applause and cheers followed, while aI furrowed my brows in slight annoyance. "Yes! And you know it!" He paused. "But here we are. And no one's more surprised...orr more proud than I am. Today, my boy becomes a Viking. Today, he becomes one of us!" I looked down, feeling more troubled and burdened then ever. Then, Gobber approached.

"It's time, Hiccup. Knock him dead." he said, and I put his helmet on and entering the ring.

I felt myself lock eyes with dad, causing him to nod with an 'encouraging' smile, while I returned a half-hearted one, taking a deep breath. I hoisted a shield onto my forearm and selected my weapon from a rack of many- a small dagger, the only thing I'd need. I turned to face a bolted, heavy door, exhaling.

"I'm ready."

At my words, the door bolt was raised, and the crowd grew quiet. Suddenly, the doors blasted open with a stream of sticky fire, followed by a Monstrous Nightmare, coated in flames. It tore out of its cave like an irate bull, causing the crowd to roar and jeer in excitement. It climbed the walls and chain enclosure like a bat, hissing at the provoking crowd and blasting fire, before finally, it seemed to spit me. It descended from the chained ceiling, leering and licking the flaming drool from its lips. The crowd grows silent, bracing for the big fight. With the Monstrous Nightmare's eyes locked upon me, I deliberately dropped my shield and dagger stepping away from them. The dragon paused, confused. The dragon pressed closer, snorting, while I extended my open hand. It snarled.

"It's okay. It's okay." I soothed. The dragon came to pace, focused on something just above me. Realizing, I reached up and removed it. Taking a breath to acknowledge the point of no return, I tossed the helmet aside, a loud clang following as itt hit the ground. "I'm not one of them."

Gasps and murmurs raced through the crowd. I did my best to avoid my dad's glare and remained focused on the Nightmare, holding my hand out. It paces around me, seemingly calm.

"Stop the fight." Dad muttered, just barely audible for me to hear.

"No." I ordered, taking my free hand out to stop the others from coming in. "I need you all to see this." Slowly but surely, the Nightmare's eyes began to turn from their slits, meaning that it was working. "They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill them."

"I said stop the fight!"

Before I could do anything, dad smashed his hammer against the iron enclosure, rattling the arena with a terrible reverberating clatter. Spooked, the Nightmare snaps at my outstretched hand, causing me to yelp and spring backward in surprise. The Nightmare reacted to my sudden movements and blasts another stream of fire. I yelled out, barely diving out of reach. I scrambled around the ring as the Nightmare pursued, snapping and springing from ground to wall. A narrow stream of fire narrowly avoids me as I continued to dash around the ring, evading the Monstrous Nightmare. Desperate, I went to the weapon rack in an attempt to arm himself, but the Nightmare quickly destroys the rack and closes in on me.

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