Friendly Arrivals

375 30 2

You've Been Gone Too Long

Return Before It's Too Late

She Waits For Her Wolf

Xavier watched as the sun rose through his blinds. The empty, white walled room was soon illuminated, but the boy hid under his blankets. It's been a week now, but he still didn't belong here. The sense of overwhelming dread still hung in his throat, threatening to spill out at any given second.

Going to school was utter hell now. Ruby watched him with narrowed eyes and tight lips. Carmen greeted him with a smile and a wave, but it felt like an empty gesture. Like a courtesy rather than her actually acknowledging his existence.

Still, he would go anywhere to avoid being home. Even Hell.

Xavier got dressed as he always did, and hurried out of the house before his mother could register him leaving. He didn't even want her to know he was there. And from there, his day began.

It went as it always did. A few stray stares and glances from his peers, a few lifeless lectures from teachers, and the sense of being watched by a certain girl in red. Every passing second felt like claws digging into his skin. Every minute was like a new knife in his chest. Every hour was another pounding headache.

Even at lunch, he found a quiet place to eat. It was far away from everyone else. He ate alone, in silence, trying to figure out which he dreaded more. The next class, or the end of school.

He found his answer when the final bell rung. He wasted no time in trying to leave, to hide out at some new shop until the sun began to set. Maybe he'll try the diner he kept seeing during his escapades. Sadly, he wouldn't get this opportunity today.

When he stepped out of the main building, he found a familiar face leaning against a car in the parking lot. The same man from a week ago when Ruby took him to the park. The same man that screamed dangerous to Xavier.

And he was looking right at him.

Xavier immediately knew that he couldn't avoid this man. There was no way to sneak past him now. He had seen him. He knew he was here. Still, Xavier hoped that he was here for Ruby and not him. And with that hope, he held onto the straps of his bag and began to walk towards the diner.

He got five steps.

???: Xavier.

Xavier stopped. He didn't know why. Something in his body just compelled him to. He stood there as the charming man made his way over, throwing an arm around the boy.

???: It is Xavier, right? I don't want to be calling you the wrong name now.

Xavier looked at the man, slowly nodding. The man smiled and shook Xavier's shoulder.

???: Great. Good.

He then looked down the street.

???: Let's talk a walk.

Xavier immediately tried to find an excuse to avoid going with this man, already being led along.

Xavier: I-I need to go home.

???: You can spare a minute or two. Besides, I think you'll like to hear what I have to say.

Xavier found himself trapped by the man's claws, already now off of school grounds. The man took a deep breath, patting Xavier before letting go. The boy thought about running, but the idea was gone as soon as it appeared. He wouldn't get far, and even if he did the man would just find him again.

Ruby probably told him to come here. Whatever he needed to say, he was going to say it.

???: So, Xavier, how old are you? You're in Ruby's grade, right? So I'm guessing 15 or 16.

The Path Part 2 (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now