The Path

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Overcast clouds hung over the land as the dark car drove through the streets. It was a pitch black 1976 Mustang with silver rims on the tires. The windows were darken by tint to the point where no one could see inside the car.

This vehicle was driven by William as he raced through the streets. He had his destination set already. An old brick apartment building located on the edge of town. Just before the woods, where an old brick wall separated civilization and wilderness.

He slammed on the brakes causing the car to screech to a stop. He put it in park before he swung the door open and forced himself out. He held onto his side before he reached into his pocket to pull out a pistol he had picked up on the way here. He slammed the car door shut before he stumbled towards the building. He dragged his leg behind himself as he ascended the stairs to the apartment he was certain he would find who he was looking for.


He knocked on the door and covered the peephole with his thumb. He heard someone check before the locks began to turn. The one to open the door was Rose, who was met with the barrel of a .22. She flinched and looked up at the man who looks more like a fearl animal than a man.

William: Scream, and I shoot.

Hunter had cut through the woods back the way he came. The gun in his hand felt a bit heavy, but it was nothing compared to the weight of anger that weighed on his chest. He was marching with a purpose. He didn't need to think twice about what he was doing. He would find William, and he will kill him.

He came to a stop once he reached the apartment building and found your car parked there. He began to wonder why William would come here, then it hit him. His eyes grew wide before he broke out into a full sprint into the building. He hurried up the stairs and over to the Reds' apartment. He reached for the handle but stopped.

He heard voices.

Scarlet: Please, you don't have to do this. J-Just let them go. Please!

Hunter slowly pulled his hand away. He took a step back. If he rushed in now, William would hurt them. However, he wasn't alone. He slowly looked over to the door to your apartment.

Inside 5-6 William held the sisters at gunpoint on the couch. Ruby was at the hospital with her mother, but the others were here. Robin held onto Scarlet while Carmen sat in a way to try and guard the other two. Seeing him like this Scarlet was able to piece together what had happened. You wouldn't be coming home.

William: You know, when we were in school, I really thought you were a bore. Now here we are. What an exciting life you live now, right, Scarlet?

Scarlet looked at her former peer as he smirked.

William: I always thought you were pretty. Never gave me a chance, but then here comes some fucking guy from God knows where and suddenly everything changes. Well, fuck you too.

He pointed the gun at her which made Robin hold her even tighter. She was crying now. Ginger watched William before her eyes drifted to the side where a kitchen knife was sitting. She made sure the man wasn't looking at her before she carefully slipped the knife between the couch cushions.

Scarlet: Is this seriously about me not dating you?!

William: This is about you not giving me what I want! Do you know who I am?! What I can do?!

Every yell made Rose flinch.

Carmen: Fuck you. Like you ever had a chance.

William slowly looked over to her. He limped over and leaned down to eye her.

William: But that worthless piece of shit did?

Carmen leaned forward, not caring for the threat at hand.

The Path Part 2 (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now