The Ax Bearer

228 23 7

A New Life Begins

The Brothers Who Hold The Ax

But One Is The Wolf

Y/N: You have to hit the clutch.

Hunter: What's the clutch?

Y/N: What do you mean "What's the clutch?" How do you not know what the clutch is?

Hunter: I've never driven a car before!

You instructed Hunter as he drove around in the empty parking lot. After learning that he was old enough for a license, you took it upon yourself to teach him how to drive. It was kind of your responsibility anyway seeing as he's been living with you for the last few weeks. He was still attending school, you made sure he wouldn't drop out, and now went with the sisters.

You've noticed a bit of a change in his demeanor as well. He carried himself with more confidence now. You could see that he was still a bit uneasy about being off on his own.

No. He wasn't alone anymore. He needed to remind himself of that.

You both got some burgers from a local place and eat on the hood of your car. The air was getting warm again, spring was just around the corner. It felt weird to you that you've been here for so long. It really did feel like home now. Your whole life was here.

Hunter: So we're going to that play tonight, right? The one Rose's in?

You nodded. Rose was actually very excited when she told you about it. You wouldn't miss it for the world. Hunter was actually looking forward to it as well. He had really connected with the girls and he had became inspired after he had heard you talking to grandma. There was also the fact that Ginger had become the closest thing he had to a best friend and Carmen's flirting has evolved past friendliness.

You were all waiting to see what would become of them. You were hoping for the best, but Hunter was unsure about what he wanted. A relationship seemed like a lot, especially right now. He was just focusing on getting his life back after so long.

You took a sip of your drink while music played on the radio. Before you knew it, that music was replaced with a choir of kids singing.

You sat next to Scarlet who was recording Rose's performance for their mother. Hunter sat between Carmen and Ginger who were fully engulfed in the performance, but not for the normal reason. The kids weren't the most harmonized, but seeing them look around aimlessly with little direction was oddly amusing. The paper bug costumes were also a sight to behold. You looked around the room briefly and felt a bit out of place.

Rose: I'm a ladybug, a lady lady ladybug~

And this song will be stuck in your head for the next week or so. You were here for Rose. You were here for Rose. You were here for Rose.

At least for today. When the night came to a close, you found yourself laying in bed beside your paramore. Her hair was spread across your chest while her arms were snaked around your shoulders. The warmth from her body was starting to make you sweat a bit.

Scarlet: Thank you for coming out tonight. It really meant a lot.

Y/N: When will you realize that I'll always be around?

Scarlet only smirked and leaned up to kiss you. You had the apartment to yourself since Hunter was in the Reds' apartment watching TV with Carmen. He had learned pretty quickly that he didn't want to be around when Scarlet spent the night. It was hard to listen to.

Carmen was sitting in the corner of the couch with a pillow in her arms. She wished it was a person instead, but Hunter was seemingly paying her no mind at all. He was staring at the TV with a blank stare like always. She could never read his face when he was like this. Just lost in his own world away from here. She finally had enough and placed her cold foot right onto the poor boy's neck.

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